Portrait of Marc-Tizoc Gonzalez, Antibigotry Convening Fellow

Marc-Tizoc González

Marc-Tizoc González is a professor at the University of New Mexico School of Law. A grandchild of people who migrated to the United States during the Mexican Revolution, he is a coauthor of Latinos and the Law: Cases and Materials (West Academic 2d ed. 2021)—with Richard Delgado, Leticia M. Saucedo, Jean Stefancic, and Juan F. Perea. Professor González has authored numerous law review articles, along with several book chapters, amicus curiae briefs, and expert declarations. His scholarship analyzes how constitutional jurisprudence (particularly First Amendment freedoms), civil rights statutes, and property law affect people who are hungry, impoverished, or otherwise marginalized (e.g., the “food-sharing cases”). He also researches and writes “critical ethnic legal histories,” wherein racialized workers, including lawyers, cultivated interracial solidarity to realize an emancipatory vision of social justice, and he advocates for greater Anglophone knowledge about habeas data, a third-generation international human right to information that various Latin American peoples innovated in the late-twentieth-century as they sought to recreate constitutional democracies out of the ashes of their postfascist dictatorships. Professor González is active in the Association of American Law Schools (having chaired the Sections on Civil Rights, Minority Groups, and Poverty Law) and has long served on the board of directors of Latina and Latino Critical Legal Theory, Inc. (LatCrit), which advances interracial justice by cultivating antisubordination discourse, critiquing how law and ideology racialize communities, and striving to make critical knowledge accessible to agents of social and legal transformation. He lives with his family in New Mexico.

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