Year One
- All students receive non-service fellowships.
- Fall: All students take GRS AM 736 and three other classes
- Spring: All student take GRS AM 735 and three other classes. Most post-MA students will complete their coursework.
- Spring: All students complete their foreign language requirement. Students can transfer credit for a foreign language if it was fulfilled as part of another graduate degree.
Year Two
- Students begin their four-semester teaching fellowship requirement.
- Fall: Post-BA students continue with their coursework.
- Spring: Post-BA students continue with their coursework.
- Spring: Post-MA students complete their major paper requirement.
Year Three
- All students continue the teaching fellowship requirement
- Fall: Post-BA students complete their coursework and the major paper requirement.
- Fall: Post-MA students take their qualifying oral exams.
- Spring: Post-BA students take their qualifying oral exams.
Year Four
- All students receive non-service fellowships.
- Students submit their prospectus and begin writing their dissertations
Year Five
- All students receive non-service fellowships.
- Students continue writing their dissertations.
- Spring: Students will defend their dissertation and graduate!
Years Six and Seven
- Students needing additional time to complete their dissertations may find their own funding either at BU or through external fellowships during the sixth and seventh year.