2015 HOPE Appreciation Brunch

HOPE Participants Arriving and Ready to Celebrate!

Dr. Jesse Mez (Associate Director of Clinical Core) Diane Essis (Recruitment Coordinator)

Participants are ready to celebrate

Eric Steinberg saying thank you

Raffle Items
Thank you to
Catherine Pfau
Max Wallak
Winegate Residences
Boston Red Sox
Cheese Cake Factory

Dr. Stern and HOPE Participants

BU ADC Staff Ready to Celebrate

HOPE Participants Ready to Celebrate

Celebrating 17 Years of Participating in HOPE

HOPE Participants Ready to Celebrate

Dr. Andrew Budson, (Director of the Education Core) thanks HOPE Participant

Alzheimer's Disease Advocates, Thank You for Coming!

Dr. Qiu (BU ADC Investigator) Thanks HOPE Participant

Eric Steinberg (HOPE Progarms Manager) and Angela Dwyer (HOPE Administrator) Thank HOPE Particpant

Jane (Clinical Trail Coordinator) Thanks HOPE Participant

HOPE Participant ready to Celebrate

Meg Curtis (Advocate & Speaker)

Thank you for your participation!

HOPE Participants Gathering Resources
Thank you to the Alzheimer's Association, Winegate Residences, and Senior Living Residences for providing resources.

Everyone is ready to celebrate!

BU ADC Leaders and Managers
Right to left: Christina DiTerlizzi, (Education Programs Manager), Dr. Neil Kowall (BU ADC Director), Andrew Budson (Education Core Director), Val Nolen (Community Action Council Leader)

BU ADC Core Leaders and Investigators

Dr. Robert Stern, (Clinical Director)

Val Nolen (BU ADC Community Advisory Leader)

Lenore Jackson Pop from the Alzheimer's Association Discuses the Importance of Research Participation

Dr. Neil Kowall (Director of BU ADC)

Thank You Juanda Drumgold (Community Action Council Member) for leading us in an excersize routine

Dr. Maureen O'Connor (Associate Director of the Education Core)

Thank you to Mr and Mrs Gay for talking about why your participate in HOPE

Celebrating 17 Years of Participation in HOPE

Question and Answer Panel
Over 200 HOPE participants, caregivers, family members, and advocates joined the Boston University Alzheimer’s Disease Center on August 17th to celebrate their participation in research. The Health Outreach Program for the Elderly (HOPE) study, funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), is a long-term study of memory and aging. This study is designed to help us improve our understanding of how memory and other thinking abilities change in people as they age, evaluating persons with and without memory problems throughout their lives. The HOPE study also serves as a registry of research participants to help other researchers who are studying normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease. The results of the study provide valuable information that will assist researchers who are working toward finding causes and treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and related memory impairment.
Click here for more information about getting involved in the HOPE Study
Click here for research updates given by Dr. Neil Kowall, BU ADC Director,