Entertainment Law

QST LA 430

(Offered in Los Angeles) Covers the basics of entertainment law, including constitutional, contracts, labor, and employment law and intellectual property rights. Students develop a clear understanding of the applicable laws and how these laws have been applied in the past, how they are applied today, and how they might be amended and applied in the future. Students learn applicable legal concepts, practical insights, and an appreciation of how to deal with lawyers and the law in their entertainment business futures. It is intended to provide a good conceptual understanding of the law and demonstrate its relevance through case study, reading, guest speakers, field trips, and intense discussion. The application of the law to the digital now, the digital future and the Internet now crucial, indeed central, to any discussion of entertainment will be included throughout and be the subject of an entire class toward the end of the course. The law to be explored will be constitutional, copyright, trademark, contracts, labor, employment, and remedies and their application to and use within the entertainment business.

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the Student Link for the most up-to-date course information.