Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice
Available on campus and online, the Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice at Boston University’s Metropolitan College is designed to provide the foundational knowledge of criminal justice needed to face contemporary criminal justice challenges and lead reforms. This certificate combines theory, ethics, and research to prepare students to effectively manage and assess criminal justice policies and programs. Ideal candidates for this certificate would be individuals currently holding, or who seek to hold, policymaking positions in the field of criminal justice, as well as professionals whose work intersects with matters of criminal justice policy, such as social workers, mental health practitioners, journalists, and public health professionals.
Learning Outcomes
Students who complete the Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice will be able to demonstrate:
- Advanced knowledge of, and ability to evaluate, criminological and criminal justice theories and their implications for public policy and practice.
- Proficiency in research design and quantitative and qualitative analysis related to evaluation of criminal justice practices, programs, and policies, and to the etiology of crime in applied settings.
- Competence sufficient to evaluate and resolve the ethical issues in criminal justice practice and implement, manage, and lead organizational changes to prevent or respond effectively to them.
- An ability to synthesize, evaluate, recognize implications, and communicate effectively using scholarly sources of information connected to crime theory and policy.
- An understanding of leadership theories and skills as they pertain to managing and leading criminal justice organizations.
Admissions Information
For current admissions information, please visit the Metropolitan College website.
Required Courses
(four courses/16 units)
- MET CJ 570 Criminology and Public Policy
- MET CJ 571 Criminal Justice Administration and Ethics
- MET CJ 590 Research and Evaluation Methods
One elective from the following list:
- MET CJ 511 Rehabilitation and Re-Integration
- MET CJ 512 Sexual Violence
- MET CJ 520 Violence and Trauma
- MET CJ 531 Youth Crime Problems
- MET CJ 591 Applied Analytical Methods
- MET CJ 610 Cybercrime
- MET CJ 612 Crime and Intelligence Analysis
- MET CJ 620 Cyberterrorism and Cyber Defense
- MET CJ 625 Victimology
- MET CJ 632 White-Collar Crime
- MET CJ 640 Criminal Justice Management and Accountability Analytics
- MET CJ 650 Terrorism
- MET CJ 660 Gender and Justice
- MET CJ 710 Applied Digital Forensic Investigation
- MET CJ 711 Criminal Justice Policy and Planning
- MET CJ 720 Trauma and Crisis Intervention
- MET CJ 725 Forensic Behavior Analysis
- MET CJ 750 Policing in a Democratic Society
- MET CJ 775 Seminar in the Law and Criminal Procedure
- MET CJ 801 Special Project in Criminal Justice
- MET UA 507 Law and Justice in the City
Other graduate-level courses may be selected upon approval of the department chair.