Dual JD/LLM in International Commercial & Investment Arbitration at Panthéon-Assas University Paris 2

Through this program, third-year students have the opportunity to receive both the JD degree from BU School of Law and an LLM in International Commercial & Investment Arbitration from Panthéon-Assas University Paris 2 in Paris, France, one of the world’s leading law schools.

Students complete a full year of study at Paris 2 as degree candidates in the Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement LLM Program (LLM AWArDS). They may also attend Paris 2 for a single fall term as nondegree students, taking classes in the Paris 2 LLM program. The full-year program and single-term option are available to qualified 3L students, and instruction is offered entirely in English.

Program Requirements

To be eligible for the program, BU Law students will need to complete their upper-class writing, professional responsibility, and practical skills requirements prior to departure. There are no prerequisites for the program. Students who complete the dual degree program are awarded 26 units toward their JD: 24 units for two terms of full-time coursework, plus a 2-unit independent paper supervised by a BU Law professor.

Admissions Procedure

Applications to the program are processed through the Graduate & International Programs office at the School of Law. Students apply during the spring term for programs in the upcoming academic year.

Program Timing

Students participating in the dual degree program will study at Paris 2 for a full academic year (approximately from early September to late April). Single-term students will study in the fall, from early September to late December.

Financial Arrangements

BU Law students will pay Boston University’s regular tuition and any applicable fees to Boston University and they will not be charged tuition or fees (including application fees) at Paris 2. Students will be responsible for the costs of their own room and board, travel and related (e.g., visa) expenses to and from Paris 2, the cost of any course materials and similar items, the cost of medical insurance and medical care, and their own personal expenses. Eligibility to participate in the program requires that students’ medical insurance coverage satisfies Paris 2’s requirements.

Student Status

All BU Law students participating in the dual degree program will be full-time, matriculated LLM degree students at Paris 2. They shall receive all of the benefits and privileges and shall have all of the rights and responsibilities that Paris 2 establishes for its regular degree candidates. Single-term students attending Paris 2 will be nondegree visiting exchange students at Paris 2. Participants will remain enrolled in BU Law’s JD program during their Paris 2 studies.

Instruction and Assessments

The performance of BU Law students participating in the program will be evaluated in the first instance by Paris 2 instructors in the Paris 2 LLM program, using the school’s regular 10–20 point grading scale. Exams are administered at the end of each Paris 2 term under the supervision of the Paris 2 director. In some classes, continuous assessments take place. Promptly after a student completes the program, Paris 2 will inform BU Law of the grades the student received for each course. BU Law will then determine, in its sole judgment, the Boston University units and grades to be awarded to a BU Law student participating in the program. Our students will receive a designation of “units” on their BU Law transcripts for each completed class, with an asterisk indicating that the international grade and an explanation of Paris 2’s grading system are available upon request (under the JD program’s academic regulations, international grades are not factored into students’ GPAs). BU Law’s Director of Graduate & International Programs will review student performance and be in regular contact with the Paris 2 director to discuss student progress and address any issues or concerns.

Professional Training

BU Law students will be able to seek advice on career matters from the Paris 2 Program Director. The academic program at Paris 2 includes several experiential classes taught by practicing lawyers.


Paris 2 will provide BU Law with information concerning the availability, cost, location, and quality of suitable housing in Paris, including any on-campus accommodations, with sufficient lead time so that BU Law students can arrange their housing before commencement of the program term. Paris 2 is not obligated to provide student housing.

Admissions Requirements

The single-term and full-year LLM opportunities at Paris 2 are open to qualified BU Law third-year students. While there are no prerequisites for the program, ideal candidates will present a demonstrated interest in business law and cross-border issues and a record of solid academic performance at BU Law. Internal applications include a personal statement of motivation, a faculty recommendation letter, and transcripts. As with all of our study abroad programs, the BU director and associate director would personally interview all viable applicants. Applications to the program are processed through the Graduate & International Programs office. Nominated students would then complete a separate Paris 2 LLM application. While Paris 2 will retain discretion to accept or deny any BU Law applicant, it will give deference to our nominations. The Study Abroad application procedures are outlined on the BU Law Study Abroad programs website.