
University Policy

College of Engineering Graduate Policy

Course examinations are given at the discretion of the instructor. Final examinations are required in most courses and are given during the scheduled examination period.

A student who is unable to attend an examination should contact the instructor as early as possible prior to the examination to discuss the possibility of alternate arrangements. A student who is absent from an examination may request a makeup examination only if the examination was missed for a serious reason (such as illness or family emergency). Students with family emergencies or illnesses should contact the Graduate Programs office as soon as possible so that instructors can be notified. Please be aware that special or makeup examinations will not be scheduled to accommodate a student’s travel plans.

Final examinations are administered according to the official final examination schedule determined by the University Registrar’s office and posted on the MyBU Student Portal. Scheduling conflicts regarding final examinations should be brought to the attention of the department academic program administrator.