Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) in Music Education (online)
The online CAGS in Music Education provides students with the opportunity to advance their knowledge through a self-selected series of courses to meet their professional needs. To be admitted to the program, applicants must have a master’s degree in Music Education.
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the program, students will be expected to be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge in foundations of music education including historical, philosophical, sociological, and psychological studies.
- Demonstrate knowledge and skills in an area of specialization (e.g., music technology, research, popular music pedagogy).
- Demonstrate knowledge and skill in related fields of music theory, music history, and musicology.
Program of Study
The CAGS in Music Education is a 32-unit program designed individually by each student in collaboration with an advisor. The course selection will be slightly different for students who have graduated from Boston University’s Master of Music Education program. All courses below are 4 units. All degree requirements must be completed within five years of the date of matriculation.
There are two required courses:
- CFA ME 741 History & Philosophy in Music Education: Perspectives and Practice
- CFA ME 742 Psychology & Sociology in Music Education: Perspectives and Applications
Students who have already taken these classes may substitute electives.
For their remaining 24 units (6 courses), students may take any other courses that they have not already taken in their master’s degree at either Boston University or another institution, including a number of doctoral-level courses.
Online elective offerings may include:
- CFA AR 670 Advocacy and Policy in Arts Education
- CFA ME 541 Introduction to Music Technology
- CFA ME 542 Music Technology Pedagogy
- CFA ME 543 Special Topics in Music Education Technology: Notation with Sibelius
- CFA ME 545 Power, Marginalization, and Privilege in Music Education
- CFA ME 548 Arts Integration: Interdisciplinary Approaches that Support Holistic Learning
- CFA ME 740 Introduction to Music Education Research
- CFA ME 751 Community Music Perspectives
- CFA ME 753 Introduction to Early Childhood Music Education
- CFA ME 840 Contemporary Issues in Music Education
- CFA ME 841 Quantitative Research Methods in Music Education
- CFA ME 842 Qualitative Research Methods in Music Education
- CFA ME 850 Music Education, Justice, and Equity
- CFA MH 750 Toward a 21st-Century Aesthetic of Musicking
- CFA MH 835 American Music
- CFA MH 837 Crossroads: Musical and Cultural Perspectives on the Blues
- CFA MH 862 An Ethnographic Exploration of African Musical Cultures
- CFA MT 600 Analytical Techniques
- CFA MT 630 Orchestration
- CFA MT 781 Jazz and Popular Arranging
With prior approval, additional elective courses may also include courses in other schools and colleges at Boston University, such as the School of Visual Arts, Metropolitan College’s Arts Administration program, and the online sacred music class taught by the School of Theology. Students in the Boston area are welcome to take any on-campus graduate courses in the Music Education department that they have not already taken online.
For more information, please visit our website.