CFA AR 501

  • Aesthetic Exploration
  • Creativity/Innovation
  • Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy

Students learn how to translate the experience of living in Venice into a drawing language, go beyond the stereotyped images of Venice, what elements of the past and present of the city can enrich their personal drawing style. Students will expand their technical skills by both drawing in class and on- site, through targeted exercises and creative and innovative projects. On-site practice, discussions and critiques allow students to make experience and instinctively reinterpret Venice in a set time, immersed in historical places, museums and art galleries, artist studios and artisan workshops. Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy, Aesthetic Exploration, Creativity/Innovation.

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the MyBU Student Portal for the most up-to-date course information.