Sarah Ihmoud

WGS Postdoctoral Fellow 2017-19 

Ihmoud photo

Dr. Sarah Ihmoud is a Postdoctoral Associate in Anthropology and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Her fieldwork is centered in the Middle East and Latin America regions, where she uses ethnographic research methods to investigate gendered experiences of militarization and violence in colonial and conflict contexts.     Dr. Ihmoud’s current scholarship considers the relationship between structural and internal patriarchal power in borderlands areas—where national interests and spaces overlap, state power is most heavily contested, and new political, legal, and cultural norms are often created.  Her work draws on the insights of black, native and third world feminists to understand intimate, embodied experiences of racialized and gendered violence and access to justice.

Dr. Ihmoud’s research has been published in various peer-reviewed journals including Cultural Anthropology (forthcoming), State Crime, Borderlands and Biography.   She has also contributed to monographs for Harvard University’s Carr Center for Human Rights Policy’s Global Initiative on Violence Against Women and UN Women’s initiative on access to justice and rule of law.