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Medieval Philosophy

Below please find the schedule for contributed papers in this section. If you have accessed the Congress Web Site using Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, or a similar program, it is possible to search for a name or paper title using the find function under the heading edit. Otherwise, you must browse through the page below in order to locate your name and paper title.

Friday, August 14, 09-9:50


Title of Paper

Sharon Kaye Russell, Strawson, and William of Ockham
Woosuk Park Towards a Scotist Modal Metaphysics
Yiwei Zheng Ockham on Connotative Terms

Friday, August 14, 14-15:50


Title of Paper

Johannes Brachtendorf Self-Knowledge and the Sciences in Augustine's Early Thinking
Phillip Cary Outward Signs and the Inner Teacher: Augustine and the Invention of Expressionist Semiotics
Douglas C. Langston Aquinas on Conscience, the Virtues, and Weakness of Will
William E. Murnion The Three Facets of Aquinas' s Theory of Love
Miguel Angel Rossi The Concept of Earthly Peace in Augustinian Thought

Friday, August 14, 18-19:50


Title of Paper

Darian C. De Bolt George Gemistos Plethon on God: Heterodoxy in Defense of Orthodoxy
Giovanna Lelli Avicennisme et Averroisme dans la poetique et la rhetorique islamique medievales la tradition persane
Ibahim Najjar The Limits of Human Knowledge in Ibn Rushd's "al-kashf"
Sarah Pessin Hebdomads: Boethius Meets the Neo-Pythagoreans
Sajjad Rizvi An Islamic Subversion of Existence- Essence Distinction?: Suhrawardi and the Philosophy of Light Mysticism

Friday, August 14, 20-21:50


Title of Paper

Peter Adamson Al-Ghazali, Causality, and Knowledge
Victoria Erhart The Context and Contents of Lydia's "Solutionum ad Chosroem"
Matthias Lutz-Bachmann Gerechtigkeitskonzeptionen in der Philosophie des Mittelalters (Theories of Justice in Medieval Philosophy)
Laura Smit The Aesthetic Pedagogy of Francis of Assisi
John Tomarchio The Complete Entity in a Metaphysics of Creation

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