• Numan Aksoy (CAS’16)

    Numan Aksoy (CAS’16) Profile

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There are 13 comments on POV: What’s So Exceptional about America?

  1. America is still exceptional because the founders had the good sense to look at all the systems of government in the world and concluded that a representative constitutional republic was far better at protecting individual liberal than was democracy. Our declaration of independence and bill of rights reflects the founders respect for the laws of nature and man’s natural rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Of right to life is not only given lip service but ensured by the second amendment which allows Americans to defend their own life and when necessary form a militia with their brethren to defend their homeland form all forms or tyranny foreign and domestic. These fundamental rights can also not be taken away by our government without due process of law.

    The author thinks American exceptionalism should not be measured entirely by her being the bastion of liberty but rather by her failure to provide income equality as if this is a fundamental human right. The right to life, liberty and the “pursuit” of happiness are recognized in the declaration of independence because the founders understood, as should we, that while all men are created equal and have the right to pursue their dreams all men will not rise to the same level. Exceptional men will create more wealth than less fortunate men and in doing so raise others from poverty. No business can survive without a customer base and there is no business model wherein destroying your customer base by failing to pay your potential customers a living wage is successful. There is also no economic system known to man that permits entrepreneurs the chance to prosper and produce better than free market capitalism. But today we do not have free market capitalism per se rather what we have is crony capitalism fueled by government regulations that benefit big business monopolies at the expense of small business and competition. The military industrial complex exists to expand the turf of these same big businesses.

    As for our military largess, once again we can look to the military industrial complex and the incestuous relationship between the banking cartel that is the federal reserve and an entrench congress comprised of career politicians who that have been running perpetual wars without an official congressional declaration of war since WWII. No longer do our representatives in congress have to bear the burden of turning to we the people to ask us to fund wars by purchasing war bonds instead congress just goes to banks and borrows the money. This behavior has insidiously eroded liberty by making the USA a debtor nation while at the same time causing other nations to view us as oppressive and meddling.

    SInce the days of Eisenhower thanks in part to the military industrial complex and our own apathy the USA has insidiously lost her way. The way back will not be easy but we can do it if Americans can accept the fact that without exception liberty is more valuable than anything other asset. Our constitution still compels our elected officials to behave in our best interest and their oath of office compels them to uphold and defend the constitution.

    It is not the purview of government to tell us how to live our lives. On the contrary we the people do have the right to a government that does not ruin our lives and that of our progeny.

    It is time we the people made sure that our representatives put we the people ahead of their allegiance to the military industrial complex.

  2. Typical “America Sucks” POV by a child of BU. If it is so bad here Numan, please relocate to those utopia’s of equality, such as Cuba or N. Korea. That way you can participate in a society where all are equally miserable. But hey, you won’t have any of that guilt associated with daddy paying $200K for your worthless CAS degree.

    1. Typical Child? I extremely suggest you respect others opinions. Everybody has their own beliefs. I am certain he considered “Cuba or N. Korea” However America also has it’s own issues. When we are living on American soil, we should focus on America right now, not others issues. You sir seem like the the typical child. Who knows, this “child” has much more knowledge and insight better than you. Please just standby with unnecessary comments.

      1. You are right two wrongs do not make a right. The author is wrong to think America cannot be exceptional without income equality and you are wrong to insist that Jeremy respect that kind of wrong headed thinking if he does not wish too. I would like to see you offer up some insightful commentary yourself rather than wasting space attacking Jeremy from atop your high horse.

        1. It is not a matter of attack rather respect. Insightful commentary myself? No need because if you are not already able to see what I said in such “wasting space” then wouldn’t you rather say it goes for Jeremy and you as well.
          Respecting belief is the first step, consideration is second, action is third. Without respect, humans will always fight.

    2. Comments like this make one think ignorance is what brings the misery you speak of. That is, the low, self-degrading, childish comments that make you seem one. Perhaps you truly are ignorant. Try throwing out more intelligent remarks next time you decide to post your opinions about something.

      1. We are speaking of reality not fantasy. Ignorance you say? Wouldn’t ignorance be towards the whole world then? That is what majority of the countries are doing, especially America. Conspiracy here and there, nothing can be right anymore from what people babble out of their mouths. Everything is a lie and a waste. I am American who currently has no power in say but am working for it. If you guys have power, belief and respect, then please use it well rather than criticizing another ones opinion. All I want to point out is respect others opinions. Even though I am a bit contradicting right now, spite of that, I must be to show you all the path.

    3. Why don’t you disprove his point with a valid answer to the question “What makes america so exceptional?” instead of a pointless “Go to Cuba” argument. What makes it more exceptional than the other 31 developed countries mentioned in the article. Not Cuba, that’s foolish. I think life in America is great, but not exceptional. Try something smart, change my mind.

      1. Might be great for you but not everyone. There are Americans that are trying their best to survive. That is the case with ALL the other countries however just because you call it great for “yourself” doesn’t truly define great for everyone. Those two countries were only example

  3. Criticizing the amount of money we spend on our national defense is just lol.

    First of all, the fact that our military spending far outpaces everyone else’s would be another argument for American exceptionalism.

    Second, for critics of our emphasis on national defense and the subsequent knee-jerking need to point to European countries for unfavorable comparisons….the only reason European countries are so privileged that they barely have to maintain any sort of military is because they know that, if poop hits the fan, the US will be there to save them with overwhelming force. Without the US to protect them, they’d have to maintain their own sizable militaries.


  4. This is an important issue in American policymaking, deserving of the thoughtful analysis that Numan offers. Then, unfortunately, we are treated to the kneejerk “you don’t like it, leave” responses of the Know-Nothings. Their rhetoric has changed little since the 1850s. Meanwhile the nation & the world moves on. Bah.

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