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There are 13 comments on Saving the Ocean, One Fish Dish at a Time

  1. Dining services is unsustainable, period. It’s disgusting how much food is thrown out. Many countries use a system where you pay for each item ordered– this would reduce waste significantly vis a vis buffet style. Of course, it’s less profitable so BU will not do it.

  2. Given that we know that ALL of the primary global fishing stocks are either overexploited or on the verge of complete collapse (according to the FAO), I find it curious that we’re still so much as discussing eating fish. I would like to suggest that the solution to this crisis, the only option that is certain to succeed at restoring ocean life, is to stop consuming fish.

    Ms. Pashtan and the executives at BU Dining know that the most sustainable food is plant based food. It frustrates me that we would choose to promote eating fish when we have the opportunity to promote the best option, which is eating plants.

    Sure, fish is a healthy protein source compared to other meat. But it pales in comparison to plant based sources, like beans and legumes, which are full of fibre and free from the heavy metals found in sea creatures.

    Additionally, numerous studies in the last few decades have shown that fish feel pain as acutely as land animals, and yet there are still no laws protecting these creatures from suffering unimaginable brutality during slaughter. Fish are routinely skinned and dismembered while still fully conscious. Others are left to slowly suffocate in piles. Simply being harvested from the ocean is a painful process for fish- the change in pressure destroys their organs.

    Take special note of how Professor Kaufman talks about the ocean like it exists for our exploitation, like it’s there for us to make money from. This world view, that nature is a commodity, is what has led us to the crisis of global depletion we currently face.

    I disagree with the professor- fish are not food. Like us, fish are individuals with the capacity to feel pain and with a strong interest in enjoying their life, free from harm. There is no reason why we cannot respect that interest by not treating them as inanimate object, and eating plants instead. If the professor is afraid that this means only eating rice, then I would be more than happy to provide him with some recipes.

      1. But the article doesn’t detail what sustainable practices are. How are they going to catch enough “sustainable fish” without using the commercial practices that he detailed? You can’t catch that many on single hook lines. That’s not how it works. The article also failed to point out that New England just received $100 million for fishing industry disaster relief.

        That’s $100 million on taxpayer money so we can fix an industry that’s supposedly been following “sustainable” standards for the past 20 years.

        But how sustainable can those standards be when stocks aren’t replenishing and we need that much money just to sustain jobs for a little longer until the next disaster is declared?

        This article fails to make a good argument for why we should continue to eat fish, even “sustainable” species. It doesn’t even mention the fishing industry bailout and government-declared disaster!

        Come on.

        1. this is stupid, there are bigger things to worry about. fish sucks though, i dont trust it here. one time i got it at marciano and it seemed like it was just microwaved

  3. Vegetarianism is an excellent option, but going wholly vegetarian is not as important as simply eating less overall and relying principally on plant-based foods. As for whether we should eat animals at all, the reality is that there is a diversity of opinion on this point, and so some portion of humanity will be eating animals for a long time yet. Given this, the relationship must be one of greater harmony. The suffering of fish in the process of being caught and processed is a legitimate issue. Cows are killed more considerately than fish are. However, the cumulative environmental and ethical footprints of eating cow are generally much greater than for eating fish. Ultimately, as human population swells, it is clear that we will no longer be able to derive the bulk of our protein from animals in a sustainable manner. But the key problem is that there are way too many people, not that there are too few fish.

    Regarding our feelings for animals, as opposed to plants, I would personally like to see plants treated with the same respect and awe as charismatic, warm-bodied creatures of fur or feather. Plants are marvelous and mysterious, life-giving living things, and should not be treated as if they were no different than soil or air.

  4. I have yet to find someone who can tell the difference between Pollock and Haddock when I prepare fish. When I say prepare I mean a dash of pepper, little oil, and fry it up. We need to think differently when harvesting fish, buying at the market and restaurants. For instance, Bluefish which are found in abundance in NE waters can be just as tasty as some of the overly fished species such as flounder and fluke. Fish that tastes “fishy” just needs more attentiveness during preparation, but nothing that 5 minutes spent watching YouTube “How to” videos can’t handle. My .02

  5. Sustainability is intimately connected with private property. A farmer will not “overfish” his land but see to it that it will yield wheat or corn next year and the one after and even for the next generation. The oceans are “commons” though and history has proven that no amount of regulation can do what property interests can do for sustainability.

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