• Art Jahnke

    Senior Contributing Editor

    Art Janke

    Art Jahnke began his career at the Real Paper, a Boston area alternative weekly. He has worked as a writer and editor at Boston Magazine, web editorial director at CXO Media, and executive editor in Marketing & Communications at Boston University, where his work was honored with many awards. Profile

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There are 64 comments on Hockey Player Arrested for Sexual Assault

    1. Trevino and Nicastro both have the same History teacher so I’d say that teacher no longer has control of his students and should step down. How ridiculous does that sound? How should a teacher or coach or RA or police officer or anyone associated with teh University be held responsible for the actions of a student when something happens at a time when they are on their own? Parker did all the right things in both cases. He immediately threw Trvino off the team and immediately suspended Nicastro pending investigation.

      1. I wouldn’t say the coach needs to step down. As you pointed out, he’s taken the right (reactionary) actions thus far. However, a coach is a leader for his team, on and off the ice. He has a degree of responsibility for his athletes, more so than a history teacher does.

  1. How many members of the hockey team are full time students in MET? isn’t this guy the third team member, MET student, to be arrested this year?

  2. While “George” may think he has scored against “MS” argument, his analogy is faulty. A coach either directly recruits or concurs in the decision that brings a plauer to the team. After the player is on campus, it is the coach who makes the decision to keep him or her here. The coach may not know what a player does away from the team, but on an everyday level the coach is aware of the player.

    A History teacher sees students three times a week or less, and has no investment in the student either making the grade or panning out. Contrast this with the coach’s responsibility to the budgeting of scholarships, the act of keeping his or her players academically eligible, a host of concerns.

    Coaches travel with players; coaches receive evaluations of players from many sources; coaches determine whether an athlete will keep receiving his or her scholarship. A History professor has no such intimate involvement. That being said, I doubt a coach can determine whether a young man will be charged with rape. The coach may wonder, as he did with Trevino, the earlier player, how soon the lad will self-destruct. Maybe if Coach Parker did things differently neither young man would have done what he is alleged to do, but I don’t see how.

    If we learn that Coach Parker allowed an atmosphere of drinking, or irresponsibility, or dis-respectfulness to permeate his team, we can say he should be fired over these incidents, but I hear no such allegations.

    I happen to agree with “George”, but the quality of his argument is slip-shod. I hope this doesn’t mean George is not getting his money’s worth at BU, but rather that he wanted to answer what he perceived to be an unfair attack on the coach by using a flimsy and silly analogy.

  3. If I may be allowed one more point. The Trevino story bothered me, because I felt Trevino was more boorish than criminal in his actiivities. It did not seem to me that at any time the RA felt she was actually being threatened. It seemed more like she was being disrespected.

    I could be wrong. If I am correct, it is too bad that some student court could not be devised that would handle Trevino’s case and decide what punishment, besides being banished from the team would be appropriate.

    As it stands, Trevino will either be offered a Plea Bargain, or his lawyer(s) will do a rigorous job making the RA seem like an hysterical woman who exaggerated her importance, or take some other strategy similar to that to discredit her and free Trevino.

    Trevino will NEVER be free in the court of public opinion as the cliche so correctly calls one’s lingering reputation, so I do not see how a trial benefits anyone in that case, where no actual physical harm is alleged, if I am not mistaken.

    Wouldn’t it be better for the RA and the transgressor to be evaluated and judged by fellow college students who had the power to demand that Trevino admit his guilt say, apologize meaningfully, and do some real restoration to her, to BU, and to himself and his relationship with the community?

  4. It was really brave of the survivor to go to the police. It takes a lot of courage for someone to report a sexual assault and I commend the woman for reporting Nicastro’s actions to the police. Approximately 60% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police (and only 2% of them are made up). That is a startling statistic when combined with the fact that every 2 minutes a person in the US is sexually assaulted.

    No one commenting on this thread (myself included) knows exactly what happened on Sunday morning. However, it is important to remember that it doesn’t matter what either of the people involved were wearing or whether or not they knew one another beforehand. It doesn’t matter if the woman let Nicastro into her room and they were making out and it doesn’t matter if they had been intimate before. What matters is that the survivor said no and the perpetrator didn’t listen. For all anyone knows they could have been in the middle of having consensual sex when the survivor said no – from that point forward if the sex had continued it would have been rape.

    The point I am trying to make is that sexual assault is never the survivor’s fault. It will be extremely important to remember this when more facts about the case emerge.


    1. Well said! I really appreciate you for posting this. As we continue to have a dialogue about this incident around campus, these are facts we must keep in mind.

    2. WC, I totally agree with you. The circumstances surrounding the assault should not matter, and it is not the survivor’s fault, two issues that are often brought up when news of an assault goes public.

    3. WC, I too agree with you but the only thing that bothers me is this: sometimes, the survivor can also be guilty. If she leads him on and then when things are about to get serious says no….. how is the guy going to stop?? Its hard no? Whats the point of leading the guy on when you are going to stop him soon? The ‘survivor’ initiates what could end up in an ‘assault’. What do you think about it?

      1. Sehnk, you have a bad case of blaming the victim. The survivor is not “guilty”. Is a woman who is physically intimate with her boyfriend but doesn’t want to proceed to sex at the time “guilty” for leading him on? Is a woman who dances with a man at a club with no intention of having sex “guilty” for leading him on? How about a woman who returns a man’s smile at a bar and goes over to talk, is she “guilty” if she doesn’t want to have sex with him? The false assumption you and so many other people make is that simply because a woman is interested in a man, she must have sex with him. You say it’s hard for a guy to stop. As a woman, I’ve never experienced it firsthand and I’m sure it’s physically uncomfortable, but it’s not impossible; I’ve been in that situation and there was no problem with stopping because he respected me and my wishes. The issue is with a lack of respect for women. Not consenting, or withdrawing consent at any point in time means no, no questions asked.

      2. “how is the guy going to stop??” I don’t understand the question–he’s just going to stop doing whatever he’s doing. Men aren’t animals, they can control their urges. He’s not going to take things any further. This might be “hard” for, I don’t know, a few minutes but it’s a lot harder to live with consequences of abuse. And I’d like to think that it’s harder to live with the guilt of knowing you abused someone.

      3. Sehnk, that’s why communication is so important during sex. A person can refuse any sexual activity at any time. It doesn’t matter if the two people involved have already consented to one form of sex and are thinking about moving to another – the receiver should always be asked if the sexual act is okay and consent must be given. Otherwise how does the giver know that they aren’t forcing their partner into doing something they don’t want to do?

        That being said, when having sex you need to respect your partner’s boundaries. How does a person stop if asked to in the heat of the moment? You zip/button up your pants and stop the sexual activity.

        Will it be sexually frustrating for a while? Maybe. Will you have saved a potential survivor from years of possible PTSD, fear, and pain AND saved yourself from a possible sexual assault or rape charge? Definitely.

        1. To “ShutUp”:
          Who are you arguing is “everything that is wrong with the planet”?

          Everyone in this comment thread has made very well thought out and compelling arguments. No one is attacking each other for misunderstanding. Rape and sexual assault are VERY complicated issues and many people misunderstand them so it is important when we engage in conversation about it to be sensitive to one another’s opinions.

    4. How can I put this in a way that doesn’t offend people?

      If 60% of sexual assaults are not reported, then how is it that you can come up with a statistic like that? How could you possibly say that only 2% are made up?

      “That is a startling statistic when combined with the fact that every 2 minutes a person in the US is sexually assaulted.”

      Is this a fact? really? Well if 60% are not reported, than how could you determine a rate at which sexual assault occurs? This post refers to things that are completely and totally useless statistics. Just because somebody says these things doesn’t make them true. In fact is is totally impossible to determine these statistics. What did they poll a bunch of people? Question 1: have you ever been raped before? Question 2: Did you report it?

      1. I put the link to RAINN’s statistics page at the bottom of my original post. I guess you didn’t read it.
        Taken from RAINN:

        “Here’s the math. According to the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey –there is an average of 207,754 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year.

        There are 525,600 minutes in a non-leap year. That makes 31,536,000 seconds/year. So, 31,536,000 divided by 207,754 comes out to 1 sexual assault every 152 seconds, or about 1 every 2 minutes.”

        So in response to your comment, they did poll people. But I guess just because the Department of Justice does extensive research on these things doesn’t make them true.

      2. Hey Logical, I’ve been assaulted. I didn’t report any of those times and while I’m ashamed that I didn’t, it’s because at the time I didn’t see any reaction besides ones that come from people like you and so I thought what happened to me was indeed my fault. So by your logic, do I not exist because I had the misfortune of not realizing my worth back then as a five years ago in my very first semester?

    5. How do you know she said “no”? Nobody knows what really happened that morning except the two people. She claims she said “no” and he claims she didn’t. How can you say she did because you have no idea. Funny how everyone immediately believes the woman in these cases.

  5. So sad- Long time supporter of BU hockey (alum ’71): Jack it’s time to look in the mirror; the obsession to win at any cost is clear; Hang it up Jack or show ability to change your recruitment standards. Otherwise, you might (no will) be in the same conversation as Penn State…..

    1. Not really sure how you can compare this to the Penn State scandal. Parker in both cases was told of the misconduct and immediately took action. While at Penn State, Joe Pa did nothing. He turned a blind eye towards the situation. Parker took both charges head on.

      I am not sure what the recruitment process is for Men’s Ice Hockey, but there are certain things that must fall through the cracks. One of those things has to be some of the on-goings in a player’s personal life. You just can’t anticipate everything.

      Over the past three years Parker has an amazing track record of taking action against player misconduct. He has set a team standard of consequence for this behavior. For one to call for his resignation resignation for a situation in which he ultimately cannot control, I feel is wrong.

      1. “Over the past three years Parker has an amazing track record of taking action against player misconduct. He has set a team standard of consequence for this behavior.”

        Yes but the problem is how much player misconduct there has been.

        1. I’d argue the problem is less with Jack Parker and more with a society that normally turns a blind eye to incidents of athlete misconduct, especially in cases of sexual assault and rape. How often do we see news stories about people who report being assaulted or raped by someone famous make the victim out to be the guilty party? How often are allegations swept under the rug? You can be sure Penn State isn’t the only place. How often do accused perpetrators face zero consequences, like Chris Brown or Ben Roethlisburger? How often are jokes about rape made?

          If you’re surrounded by a culture in which you are told, in big ways and small, in obvious ways and subtle ways, that rape and sexual assault are okay, that even if she says no, you deserve to get off, and that you won’t face consequences, no kidding that there’s a misconduct problem in hockey – and pretty much everywhere else.

          Quite honestly, I applaud BU and Jack Parker for taking swift action and enforcing consequences on Trevino and Nicastro. According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, most rapes and sexual assaults aren’t reported, and of those that are, the percentage of false reports is about 2% – the same as it is for car theft, robbery, and other crimes. Trevino and Nicastro have been accused of serious crimes, and Parker and BU are doing the right thing in clearly stating “that’s not okay, and we do not condone this”.

  6. IMO – Even one rape or attempted rape is not worth the price of having a hockey team.

    Hockey players at BU have been accused of a pattern of sexual violence. If the hockey team were a frat house, they would have been suspended by now. If the Quidditch team or the bicycling club had two members accused of sexual assault, they would be disbanded or suspended. Because of their status as potential professional athletes, and the ‘image’ they project to the community, there is a historic tendency to ‘look the other way’ at anti-social and criminal behavior by college athletes in popular sports.

    If either Trevino or Nicastro is convicted of sexual assault, BU should disband the hockey team.

    1. Yes, let’s disband the school’s BIGGEST sport and everything associated with it: home games at Agganis, NCAA championships, the Beanpot tournament. Let’s get rid of one of the things BU is most known for. Why? Because some players made some stupid decisions. Did the entire team commit sexual assault? No. Is it fair to the other players to have the team disbanded for something they didn’t do or had any part of? Is it fair to the other players to have all their hard work and skill be tossed aside for nothing? No, it’s not. Do changes need to be made with these charges? Yes, and I don’t think Parker will let this continue. He’s shown he’ll take action when necessary. But, I think you need to think about your last sentence and the consequences of disbanding the hockey team. So much would be lost by doing so. Not to mention the student body would probably riot.

      Regardless of whether either player is convicted, I highly doubt BU will disband the team.

  7. Did you know that when one little panda pulls on another little panda’s underwear, that’s sexual harassment? That makes me a sa-a-a-a-ad panda.

  8. Folks,

    Let’s not rush to judgment on Jack Parker, the BU hockey team, or even Nicastro. Let the facts come out. Parker has been proactive in the two sexual assault situations this season (Nicastro and Trevino), as has BU. Comparing it it the Penn State situation is bogus, because that was a situation in which both Papa Joe and Penn State were not proactive and basically swept it under the rug, and allowed it to go on for years. So we’re talking apples and oranges.

    That being said, Parker and BU need to make a formal review of BU’s hockey recruiting program and put in some additional “checks” so that recruits who’ve had histories of personal problems like alcoholism and sexual aggressiveness are passed on. We all know these tendencies are only going to blossom in a college environment where student athletes are put on a pedestal and gain senses of entitlement. Bad eggs, so to speak, always will take advantage of these situations.

    I know obtaining players that can win the Beanpot, the Hockey East championship, and put the hockey team in a position to make a run at the national title each year are Parker’s annual recruiting goals…but sometimes he’s going to need to pass on top recruits if there are “flags,” and go with some second choices. I’m sure he realizes that now.

    Jack, I would like to know if there were “flags” with either Nicastro or Trevino.

  9. As a former BU student, a female, and a tutor to some of the boys on the team several years ago, I can say that these kids are generally good kids. Girls go to parties with the hockey team looking to hook up with them. I can’t speak to the current lineup, and being a female I hate to speak against my gender–but seriously? I feel like these girls try to get with the players, then get all upset when all the player wants–like any other 18-22 year old boy–is one fun night and thats it. Any girl would “love” to be a hockey girlfriend and get all upset when they drink too much with them, have sex and then realize that the boy wants nothing more than that. This happens all the time in college. Leave the team alone and look at the frats and just general student body too. Its part of experiencing college to have heartbreak. Stop crying rape.

    1. Rape is the most underreported crime in the country. Attitudes like this are prime examples of why survivors are afraid to come forward.

      Let me first start out by saying that rape is not heartbreak. You insult all rape and sexual assault survivors when you make that comparison so shame on you.

      When someone is sexually assaulted and they choose to report it, they have a lot to deal with. If they choose to go to the hospital so evidence can be collected, a doctor does a rape kit that can be both invasive and retraumatizing. Then they tell and re-tell their story to doctors, nurses, police officers, and detectives. They are asked probing questions like what specifically was inserted into them and where it was inserted. Some might be as judgmental as you and ask what she was wearing, drinking, etc.

      Then the survivor has to deal with friends, family members, and supporters of the attacker. The survivor deals with doubt from their own family and friends and then (if the case goes to trial) they are retraumatized again by a defense attorney.

      Reporting rape is not a simple or convenient act. It is scary and an extremely long process. As I mentioned earlier, the rate of falsely reported rape is 2%. That rate is the same for any other crime like burglary or a hit and run.

      Ask yourself AJ – would you want to go through all that trouble to falsely report a rape or sexual assault?

      1. No I would not want to go through the trouble of falsely reporting. I chose not to report an assault on myself that at occurred at my graduate school (not BU), likely because I was not brave enough to go through with it or because I thought people might think I was lying about it. So do not tell me I shame anyone. I am allowed to comment however I see fit and considering I have been through the experience myself I do not wish to be told that I am insulting anyone. Free speech man. Doesn’t matter the reason–I am just saying that people can’t jump to conclusions about this poor kid before they know the whole story and before they understand the motives of undergraduate females. And yes–when a woman reports a sexual assault all avenues must be considered–including her behavior–to determine whether or not she is telling the truth before his freedom and life are destroyed. Which they likely already have been.

        I hope that she was not lying, but I do definitely think that the 2% is an extremely false number. If they go un-reported, how does anyone know for sure?

        I also think, historically, women tend to attack athletes in this manner. I only hope that the justice system is actually successful. Being a lawyer, I think the justice system fails us all too often.

        1. “I am just saying that people can’t jump to conclusions about this poor kid before they know the whole story.”

          So, we should extend that courtesy to him, but not to his victim?

    2. WOW.

      You have no idea what happened on Sunday morning and no right to assume girls are “asking for it.” This is a terrible example of how men AND women victim blame and assume that girls “ask for it” NOBODY ASKS FOR RAPE. I can’t believe you would associate rape with “heartbreak.” That is disgusting.

      NO MEANS NO. That is that.

      Please stop disgracing your own gender and stop generalizing college students.

      1. YOU have no idea what happened on Sunday. How can you say “no means no” when as far as you know; nobody said anything.

        While I don’t agree with A.J. I certainly don’t agree with you either. You are automatically assuming guilt by the male and non-guilt by the female. You can’t assume anything.

        1. Thank you. I know my arguments may not have seemed to make this point but that was my overall goal. In this day and age it is impossible to remain impartial, and more often than not, a woman’s word is taken over a man’s in this situation. Perhaps it is an improvement from decades ago where women had no say in sexual issues, but still–I think more often than not in this type of circumstance the male is targeted by the female for attention. I unfortunately do not believe our justice system is set up properly to find out the truth in every circumstance–especially in sexual assault cases where the jury’s emotions can be played.

          1. You still don’t understand. As far as anybody knows they two of them had a muted (silent) encounter. NOBODY knows that anything was said during their meeting so walking around saying “no means no” means absolutely nothing in this case at this point.

          2. Babba, the absent of consent does not mean yes. The only way that a person can get/give consent while having sex is by stating it clearly and without being under the effects of drugs or alcohol.

            If they had a silent encounter, there was no talking and thus no consent given.

    3. Are you SERIOUS right now? victim blaming? filing a false report because you regret a bad decision is NOT the same as turning a blind eye to the systematic disregard of respect that our hockey players have for the women on campus.

      I’m sure that most of the guys on the team are not lecherous trolls who harass women, but that doesn’t mean that some of them aren’t. assuming that this girl’s motivation for filing a report is because she regrets a one night stand is disgusting. you should be ashamed for even suggesting that.

  10. This is not the first time Max has gone too far with a female BU undergrad. To claim that a women who came forward as being sexually assaulted just did it because she felt “disrespected” is disgusting. This is the reason why women do not come forward. They are afraid of being blamed and dismissed. I am glad that BU takes these claims seriously. Nicastro will have his day in court, but the girl who came forward is brave.

  11. totally support this comment. like i said, I am a female and hate the idea of disrespecting my sex–especially when sexual assault is a crime of a most serious natures. but really? I graduated in 2008 and I cannot tell you how many girls swooned every time they passed the hockey team at the dining hall. Its completely ridiculous. So many females have ulterior motives of trying to hook up with these boys and then cry rape when they don’t get phone calls back or wake up drunk and are like “oops, wrong choice.”

  12. Trevino has been arraigned to face charges. The facts are not yet public record.

    The allegations that Trevino committed a crime are being taken seriously by the police, the university, his family and the family of the woman assaulted.

    C – it is time for you to be serious and put aside your hero worship of someone who excels on the ice, but is accused of being a drunken, crass abuser of women.

  13. I agree with you A.J. it is definitely well known that BU athletes are not looking to settle down, and women are or should be well aware of this. That being said, I think some of these guys are always used to hearing yes. There is certainly a sense of entitlement for BU athletes, and while I agree that some women would regret their decisions, if a women comes forward her claim should be taken seriously. Leave it to the courts to decide if he is innocent or not.

    1. What difference does it make whether or not BU athletes are “looking to settle down”? Are you kidding me, H? Whether or not either party is looking to make a relationship out of a sexual encounter it’s not okay to sexually assault anybody! Your logic and blatant stereotyping of both college-age women and college athletes disgusts me.

  14. What everyone needs to remember in this situation is that this is just an informative article. As far as genuine facts – we do not know anything. We do not know if Trevino or Nicastro had a troubled history before coming to the team; we do not know if Parker overlooked any “flags”; we do not necessarily know the exact environment that Parker fosters for these players; and we do not know exactly what happened in these bedrooms. Until any of this information becomes public, we should not be judging so harshly. I am sure than many of the people commenting do not know what it is like to be a college athlete, so being able to relate with the victim would, of course, be easier. With a glorified position such as that of a NCAA Division 1 hockey player, maybe these players feel entitled. Maybe they are used to hearing “yes,” or maybe they don’t even pause to hear what the other person says. On the other hand, I am sure girls are attracted to the allure of the same title these players feel entitled by. They could easily take advantage of the players’ relative fame in order to receive more attention for their allegations. That said, the fact that the victims are choosing to remain anonymous would suggest that trying to gain attention is not the motive here; however, this is all speculation caused by innate human curiosity.

    To an earlier comment: “Men aren’t animals, they can control their urges.” I beg to differ. Men, as well as women, are animals. Humans often forget that we are animals. While we tend to be able to control our urges better than most other animals, I am sure than many guys have done something they regret because of hormonal urges. That said, hormones are not an excuse for sexual assault and if either player did assault the girls they should be reprimanded.

    Finally, to the person who commented: “You are everything that is wrong with the planet.” Please, next time, try to leave more constructive criticism. You are no better than the person who left the comment you responded to when you post something like that.

    1. C, are you seriously calling someone out on a technicality of the word “animal” in order to justify sexual assault? Rape is not an act of sex. Rape is an act of violence and utter disregard and hatred of women. If a man respects a woman, he will stop if she expresses lack of consent in ANY way.
      You think a sex offender should be “reprimanded”? Not punished?
      Also, get this: most animals do not rape.
      There is no justification for sexual assault, not biological, not societal, not psychological. Point blank. End of story.

    1. I’m sorry but “grabbing bum cheeks” isn’t a joke. If someone were harassing you or, heaven forbid, your [future] daughter in any way, shape, or form you would not appreciate it.

      But let’s go back to your specific example. If someone kept “grabbing” your bum cheeks and wouldn’t stop even when you repeatedly said it and forcibly tried to get them off you, you would not be happy or take it lightly. It doesn’t have to penetrate to be not okay. Nor does it have to penetrate a specific area to be traumatizing or penetrate at all for that matter. It doesn’t even have to be attached to him to penetrate either. There are a lot of sexual areas on the female body and a lot of ways to sexually harm someone. Surprise.

  15. Sexual assault … no sexual assault. Drinking … not drinking. Generally antisocial behavior … perfectly acceptable behavior. Whatever … this is a stretch of truly bankrupt ethics and morality on the part of this team which is really sad and not at all what most alumni remember or are willing to accept.

    At some point, we need to reinforce that playing men’s hockey (as well as coaching the team) at BU on a scholarship is a PRIVILEGE and not a RIGHT

  16. No one here knows the facts of the case and I am not, for a second, going to choose sides here until they come out. If true Nicastro deserves to be penalized to the fullest extent of the law. However, there is the possibility that it’s not as cut and dry as first assumed. The young woman’s allegations MUST be fully investigated and justice must be served, but does anyone here remember the travesty of the Duke Lacrosse team and those allegations? If not, I suggest you go and revisit before becoming judge, jury and executioner before knowing the truth on all acccounts.

  17. Don’t know what happened in this case, but when I was at BU, 30 years ago, living in West Campus, I lived among the hockey team. Many of them – not all – but many, were entitled, aggressive and entirely disrespectful to the women. They were also pampered and protected by the school. Not much new here. Happens wherever there are sports heroes. It was an environment where you can imagine someone taking advantage of someone else, and it happened all the time. Just more hushed up then because, hey, you have to live with these powerful people. Where you gonna go? Leave school? Dorm space was at a premium.

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