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There are 6 comments on YouSpeak: Immigration

  1. I married an American citizen and, after filing a mound of paperwork, handing over hundreds of dollars, filing some more forms, tracking down references and financial guarantors, undergoing pointless medical examinations and even more pointless inoculations, then waiting, and waiting some more, and handing over some more money, I wouldn’t describe it as cheating my way to residency.

  2. Thank you, BU Today, for focusing on the process of becoming a citizen for immigrants. Preserving an open path for immigrants is vital to America’s future. It ensures a flow of youth into our aging population here in America. Historically, remaining open to people from other countries fleeing repression and hardship is what built America. But the system needs reform. Immigration reform should establish clear guidelines consistent across the nationalities for the criteria determining citizenship. First among these criteria should be a genuine understanding and admiration for America’s values of liberty and equality of opportunity. Prospective citizens should demonstrate their commitment to these core values through their actions while in this country. Finally, we want to encourage the inclusion of innovators who can contribute valuably to America’s future development.

  3. find a job—->visa—————>green card->citizenship

    getting citizenship is much easier than you think…it’s getting your GREEN CARD that is the issue!

    and what does xenophobia have do to with this? I’m wary to say this, but i think that if you ve been a good citizen, have paid the dues and have taken the pledge, and have not been associated with the communist party (apparently this one more than any other one) you should look forward to your pledge

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