• Amy Laskowski

    Senior Writer Twitter Profile

    Photo of Amy Laskowski. A white woman with long brown hair pulled into a half up, half down style and wearing a burgundy top, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Amy Laskowski is a senior writer at Boston University. She is always hunting for interesting, quirky stories around BU and helps manage and edit the work of BU Today’s interns. She did her undergrad at Syracuse University and earned a master’s in journalism at the College of Communication in 2015. Profile

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There are 18 comments on University Officials Warn Against Four Loko

  1. Thanks for giving 4 Loko the best advertisement you could possibly give it. The universities in Boston really have no idea how human behavior works, do they? I never had any desire to drink the stuff until I was told how much it would mess me up. Brilliant advertising campaign.

  2. People are so dumb. Drinks like this (caffeinated alcohol) have been around forever. Don’t blame the drink, blame the stupid people who clearly don’t know their limit and boast about how many four lokos they’ll be drinking tonight. If it’s not four loko that’s sending kids to the hospital, it’s something else. You know why? Because binge drinking is “cool” that’s why.

  3. Actually, the wonderfully useful recommendation from Health services is to “avoid mixing other substances with alcohol as a general rule,” indicating that Everclear may be a safer way to go. Aside from the idiocy of such a blanket statement, the SHS message and all the other outrage and cautions about FourLokos seem to overlook that people have been doing stupid things, hurting themselves, and getting alcohol poisoning, for ages. Sure, the cans could use a warning label stating that the buzz will catch up with you when the caffeine wears off, but dumb college kids will get themselves into trouble with or without FourLokos.

  4. Stimulants and alcohol are a bad combination. As a rule, unless you do something really stupid, like chugging hard liquor, it is hard to drink enough alcohol to kill yourself, because generally you’ll pass out first. But caffeine and other stimulants will keep you awake and drinking. Also, stimulants mask the normal cues that tell you when you’ve had enough. You are far more likely to misjudge your level of intoxication and attempt a physical activity that you are too drunk to do safely–the worst, of course, being getting behind the wheel of a car.

  5. i agree with whoever said that this is a brilliant advertising campaign…i’ve never even heard of this stuff, and now i really wanna try it….good job BU lol

  6. You have been given the precious gift of life and only you are responsible for the choices you make, not advertising companies, BU, your friends, but YOU ONLY. How would you feel if your child or sister or brother or anyone you really loved and cared about risked their life (and possibly the lives of others) by poisoning their minds and bodies with a mind altering drug like Four Loko or any of the other types of drugs, and alcohol that are out there?

  7. 4locos is amazing :) …HOWEVER, it does make u kinda BLUR certain moments and what not.. but why in the world, out of all the “BAD STUFF” out there, their distinguishing four locos among the rest…everyone should know their limit..either way, its just like gettin f* up off sum morgan or sum vodka .. u just dont instantly feel it, when u least expect it..BAMMMM!!! it’ll have you with a huge ass smirk on ur face, and big googly eyes.. i drink so much of it i think i should advertise for it :) Either way…..just be smart on how many u consume..cause god dam…they’re like a beautiful disaster lol

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