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There are 9 comments on Time Travels: Charles River Sunset

  1. Very nicely done, but what is the bright blurb that appears to rise in the sky, just right of the Citgo sign? It shows up at literally one second before the end of the video (it’s hard to catch.) Looks like the sun, but it can’t be if the last frame was shot at 11:30PM. Is it just a glare on the lens coming from a moving light source that I can’t pinpoint? I can’t tell

  2. Great video. Wish the storrow drive traffic actually did move that fast! Maybe that bright spot is a blimp heading for Fenway park. You can clearly see the glow from the park lights.

  3. NIcely done indeed.

    That is the full moon you see in the last few seconds, with a late rising just after sunset.

    The moon rises at different times depending on its phase.

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