Contract for Student Receiving Tutoring.

Boston University School of Public Health
Core Course Tutoring Program

Contract for Student Receiving Tutoring

Limitations of Tutoring

Tutoring services are provided free to Master of Public Health (MPH) degree candidates having difficulty in core courses of the MPH degree program. The School of Public Health Education Office will strive to ensure that tutors are prepared and qualified to work with students being tutored (hereinafter called “students”), but makes no promises regarding the quality of tutoring or grade expectations.  There exists a consensual agreement among all parties that tutoring exists on an as available basis without promise that the student’s grades will improve or change.


Students may receive a maximum of two (2) hours of tutoring per week per course beginning from the start of the semester and ending one day before the final exam, with the following stipulations:

  • Students are responsible to prepare for and attend scheduled tutoring sessions.
  • Students are expected to have at least one meeting, preferably held before the first tutoring session, with the Program Manager to discuss the responsibilities and expectations of the tutor and the student.
  • Students are responsible for reporting on the progress of tutoring after each session. Reports are to be submitted to the Program Manager, via the online form at, after each session and before the next scheduled session.
  • Students are required to give 24-hour notice to the tutor if they will miss a scheduled session. If no such notice is given, the tutor will document the missed session with the Program Manager, who will issue a written warning to the student.
  • Students who miss two tutoring sessions without 24-hour notice to the tutor during any semester are no longer eligible for tutoring services and will be notified as such via e-mail by the Program Manager, with a copy to the course faculty and Education Office. Special consideration may be allowed for emergencies at the discretion of the Program Manager.
  • Tutors and students are expected to behave in a professional manner. Inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated at any time. Inappropriate behaviors include, but are not limited to, sexual harassment, physical or verbal abuse, inappropriate language, and drug and/or alcohol use before/during appointments. If a student feels as though their tutor is acting inappropriately, they should contact the Program Manager immediately.
  • Personal relationships between tutors and students are discouraged. However, if a student or tutor deems that a relationship may form, they are expected to contact the Program Manager immediately. The Program Manager will be responsible for reassigning the student to a different tutor.

Continuing Eligibility for Tutoring

  • Students who achieve two consecutive grades above 85% on class exams, projects, papers or other major assessments before the final exam may no longer be eligible to receive tutoring for that course. The course faculty, tutor, and Program Manager will collaborate in making a decision to continue tutoring services.
    • Tutors and students may also mutually decide if a student no longer requires tutoring, with approval of the course faculty.

    Tutoring Contract Signature

    • MM slash DD slash YYYY