The Graduate Student Advisory Board advises the Associate Provost for Graduate Affairs on issues affecting the graduate and professional student experience. Comprising representatives from across BU’s graduate and professional schools and colleges on the Charles River and Medical Campuses, the board meets approximately five times during the academic year with the Associate Provost. As each member represents a broader set of students, representatives are responsible for developing ways of communicating with graduate and professional student colleagues in their school or college.


  • To provide a mechanism for soliciting graduate student input on policy matters and issues affecting the graduate student experience at BU.
  • To provide an opportunity for graduate student representatives of schools and colleges to collaborate on campus-wide issues.


Board members are nominated by their individual deans and selected by the Associate Provost. Members may serve a maximum of two consecutive years on the board. View a list of the current academic year’s membership.

Expectations for GSAB Participation

  • Attendance at all GSAB meetings. Students in remote online programs may attend meetings via video conferencing technology (e.g. Zoom). Students in residential programs may attend one meeting per year via video conferencing technology.
  • Solicit and submit feedback from graduate student colleagues in their school/college in advance of scheduled meetings.
  • Constructive contributions to GSAB discussions.
  • Represent the views and experiences of graduate and professional student colleagues in representatives’ schools and colleges, recognizing that BU has a large and diverse graduate and professional student population, and GSAB cannot address program- or school-specific issues.
  • Convey what is discussed at GSAB to student colleagues in representatives’ schools and colleges.
  • Participate in a GSAB subgroup.