BUILDS Open House

Join the Computer Science Department and the BU ACM as they launch BUILDS, a collaborative hackerspace that provides students with tools and resources for conducting creative student-run tech projects. Visit the Open House to build LED throwies and see what this unique lab is all about. An LED throwie is a small LED attached to a coin battery and a rare earth magnet (usually with conductive epoxy or electrical tape), used for the purpose of creating non-destructive graffiti and light displays. BUILDS is a 24/7 student-run research center and hackerspace available to all CS undergraduate and graduate students in the basement of the Math & Computer Science Building at 111 Cummington Street. The BU Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) is the premier membership organization for computing professionals, delivering resources that advance computing as a science and a profession; enable professional development; and promote policies and research that benefit society.

Wednesday, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:00pm
111 Cummington Street (MCS B-28)
Open to Boston University:
Computer Science
Admission is free
More Info
CAS Computer Science
David House
Boston University

