2nd Annual Silas Peirce Lecture: "The Silent Sex: Gender, Deliberation and Institutions"


2nd Annual Silas Peirce Lecture: "The Silent Sex: Gender, Deliberation and Institutions"


Join Princeton University professor Tali Mendelberg, as she presents the second annual Silas Peirce Lecture: "The Silent Sex: Gender, Deliberation and Institutions." Scholars and policy-makers have worked for decades to understand and to improve the representation women receive from national and international political organizations. Many of these efforts have focused on increasing the number of women in decision-making bodies. Through ground-breaking experimental research, Mendelberg's book The Silent Sex (Princeton University Press), co-written with Christopher F. Karpowitz of Brigham Young University, argues that these efforts to increase and improve the representation of women will often fall short unless they also address institutional rules that impede women's voices. Professor Mendelberg will discuss the consequences of certain rules, differing expectations faced by men and women, and how to elevate women’s participation and authority. This lecture was established by the heirs of Silas Peirce, treasurer of Boston University (1911-1922) and University Trustee (1899-1922). Tali Mendelberg is a Professor of Politics at Princeton University. Her primary areas of research are inequality and politics. She has published articles in the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Public Opinion Quarterly, Perspectives on Politics, Political Behavior, Political Psychology, and Political Communication. Professor Mendelberg holds a PhD from the University of Michigan. Her areas of specialization are political communication; gender; race; class; public opinion; political psychology; and experimental methods.


6:00pm on Monday, March 2nd 2015


Metcalf Hall, GSU, 775 Comm Ave
