Let's Make a Zine Workshop

  • Starts: 12:00 pm on Wednesday, October 26, 2016
  • Ends: 2:00 pm on Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Ever wanted to make your own zine but didn’t know where to start? This brown bag lunch workshop will begin with an exploration of zines and how author’s rights, fair use, and copyright come into play with self-publishing. The rest of the workshop will be a hands-on session where everyone attending will contribute a page to a compilation zine about what open access means to them, which will be made openly available in OpenBU. Led by Eleni Castro.

This workshop is part of BU Libraries' Open Access Week event series. This October, for the sixth year running, BU is participating in the international Open Access Week. The Digital Scholarship Services department has organized several events leading up to, and during, the week of October 24th. We’d love for you to join us; please register for as many as you like. Registration helps us plan refreshments, and, in one case, pizza.

Eleni Castro
Mugar Library, 771 Commonwealth Avenue
302 – Estin Room
Contact Organization:
BU Libraries Digital Scholarship Services
Contact Name:
Vika Zafrin
Contact Phone:

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