Delina Begins New Role as Assistant Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Laurence Delina, a post-doctoral associate at the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future from 2015-2019, recently began a new position as an assistant professor at the Division of Environment and Sustainability at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Delina will be continuing his collaboration with the Pardee Center as a Visiting Research Fellow.

While at the Pardee Center, Delina led a research project called The Future of Energy Systems in Developing Countries, which sought to understand the options and trade-offs for achieving a secure and sustainable energy future in a select number of developing countries. In his newest book, titled Emancipatory Climate Actions: Strategies from histories (Palgrave Macmillan 2019), Delina offers strategies for strengthening climate change activism based on the mechanisms that made previous large-scale social movements successful. He is the author of three other books: Strategies for Rapid Climate Mitigation: Wartime mobilisation as a model for action? (Routledge 2016), Accelerating Sustainable Energy Transition(s) in Developing Countries: The challenges of climate change and sustainable development (Routledge 2017), and Climate Actions: Transformative Mechanisms for Social Mobilisation (Palgrave Macmillan 2019).