Holy City

A Boston University

College of Arts and Sciences course on

Jerusalem in Time, Space, and the Imagination


Course-related resources

CASRN220 Holy City: J'lem in Time, Space, and the Imagination

Sample syllabus.
Current syllabus: blackboard.bu.edu [login required].

Other resources

Jerusalem in Time

An interactive timeline, data base, and study guide (in perpetual progress). Information architecture and design: Michael Zank, based on an idea by Eike Wintzer, developed in cooperation with the Geddes Language Center and supported by a grant from The Humanities Foundation at Boston University.

Brief History of Jerusalem

A powerpoint presentation on the history of Jerusalem (updated Sept 2010).

Jerusalem in Space

An interactive map of the Old City collaboratively designed by the students of CASRN220, Fall 2000. Last updated June 2007.

Jerusalem. The Municipality in Detail

Based on information found on the website maintained by the Jerusalem Municipality, as well as in Bernard Wasserstein, Divided Jerusalem. The Struggle for the Holy City (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001).

Democraphic Trends and Projections

A new powerpoint presentation, based on Dellapergola 2001, Benvenisti 1996, and Amirav 2007.

Links for further research

Resources and links.

Israel-Palestine Timeline 1949-2009

A brief overview of major dates, events, developments, and personages since the end of the first Arab-Israeli war. (PDF file)

Jerusalem Blog

Discussions, links to organizations and news outlets. Working toward a just and peaceful resolution of the conflict over the holy city.


Written and maintained by
Michael Zank PhD
Professor of Religion.
Boston University
Updated Sept 2010.

Contact: mzank@bu.edu