
A weblog for CAS LX 500

January 31, 2006

Cole & Hermon (1988): A-positions vs. A-positions

Filed under: Errata, Readings — Paul Hagstrom @ 10:39 pm

In the Cole & Hermon (1998) article, the proofreading didn’t work out so well at the bottom of p. 232. There should have been a “bar” between “A” and “-position” (the first time): “Although object preposing would appear at first glance to be movement to an A-position, there are convincing arguments that the preposed NP is in an A-position, and that…”. The point here is that the movement of the object in (28) is not movement like wh-movement, but rather movement like moving the subject to SpecIP.

There are also a few cases where a subscript i failed to be subscripted. For example, in (28a), ‘that book’ is buku itu (not buku itui): it should have been typeset as “buku itui“.

January 30, 2006

Errata: reading notes

Filed under: Events, Readings — Paul Hagstrom @ 11:51 pm

Looking at the reading notes for the Pesetsky (1987) paper, I see that there is something that says that a wh-word “cannot stay in its q-position”. You aren’t expected to know what a “q-position” is, it’s not a special new bit of terminology. It’s just a θ-position, except that I forgot to set the font to Symbol for the θ (the character θ in the Symbol font corresponds to “q” in normal English fonts). I try to catch those, but sometimes a few slip through.

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