Bias in AI: Towards Algorithmic Transparency, Justice & Ethics–Day 1

  • Starts9:45 am on Sunday, March 22, 2020
  • Ends5:30 pm on Sunday, March 22, 2020
With the increased dependence of our society and economy on algorithmic processes that adapt to the data they consume, there is mounting evidence that these processes are susceptible to producing biased results. AI bias may be introduced by system designers with conscious or unconscious preferences or it may be simply the result of relying on data with pre-existing biases. These biases are of particular concern when used in Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems with decision-making capacities in contexts of social importance. This two-day conference, co-organized by the BU Center for Philosophy & History of Science, the BU Hariri Institute for Computing, and the BU Responsible Conduct of Research Program, will bring together computer scientists, philosophers, lawyers, medical doctors, and more to discuss topics ranging from the design of ethical algorithms to the topography of bias, with the aim of exploring how to promote more transparent, just, and ethical AI algorithms.
Kilachand Center, 610 Commonwealth Ave, Room 101, Boston, MA

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