Ekam World Peace Festival – 8.19

Live at BU FitRec Dance Studio!

35,000 Meditators Worldwide in One Simultaneous Meditation for World Peace.

A peaceful human being is a gift to his/her family, and a powerful force for good in the world. The 7,000 global Peace Energy Points, such as ours at the BU Fit-Rec Dance Studio, will be in resonance with the power of Ekam – The Oneness Field, in India.

We will have access the special Simulcast meditation and peace processes exclusively for the 7000 global Peace Energy Point participants. The cumulative impact being that participants will experience transcendental states of consciousness.

LIVE PINNACLE EVENT — Sunday, August 19, 12 – 2:00pm, with Live Simulcast with India, at BOSTON UNIVERSITY

BU FitRec Center Dance Studio LL2

FREE and open to the public. Please register and arrive early.

To register or volunteer (click on the green Register NOW button at Eventbrite).

Contact and volunteering: wpf@sourcereunion.com

You can be a part of a global peace energy shift in consciousness. Thank you.



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