%% beta = 0.9; investmentCost = 3; kMin = 1; % minimum value of capitial allowed kMax = 40; % maximum value of the capital allowed kStates = kMax-kMin+1; % number of possible values of state variables(capital) kVec = linspace(kMin,kMax,kStates)'; % a kStates vector with the value of capital at each statements %****************** Transition Matrices ********************************** % create transition matrix for capital if the firm does not invest, which % depends on depreciation transMatNoInvest = zeros(kStates,kStates); % transition matrix from one capital level to another. It is mostly zero. depreciationRate = [0.15;0.35;0.5]; % capital stays the same with probability3, decreases by 1 with prob2, and by 2 states with prob1 for i = 3:kStates transMatNoInvest(i,(i-2):i)=depreciationRate'; end transMatNoInvest(1,1) = 1; % In state1, captial cannot go down. transMatNoInvest(2,1:2) = [sum(depreciationRate(1:2)) depreciationRate(3)]; %In state 2, capital cannot go down by 2 states. % create transition matrix for capital if firm does invest transMatInvest = zeros(kStates,kStates); for i = 3:(kStates-5) transMatInvest(i,(i+3):(i+5)) = depreciationRate'; end transMatInvest(1,6) = 1; % In state1, capital cannot go down, so you will definitely go to state6 transMatInvest(2,6:7) = [sum(depreciationRate(1:2)) depreciationRate(3)]; % In state2, capital cannot go down by 2 states, you will definitely be in 6 or 7. transMatInvest(kStates-4,(kStates-1):kStates) = [depreciationRate(1) sum(depreciationRate(2:3))]; %In state 96, capital can go to 99 or 100 transMatInvest((kStates-3):kStates,kStates) = ones(4,1);% Above 96, and investment automatically takes you to 100; %***********Now solve the Bellman equation via a fixed point algorithm***** v = zeros(kStates,1); profitVec = profit(kVec); % starting values vNew = profitVec/(1-beta); v = vNew-1; % Fixed point algorithm for i = 1:1000 if max(abs(vNew-v))< 1e-7; fprintf('convergence at %5.0f \n iterations',i); break; end v = vNew; vNew = getVnew(v,profitVec,investmentCost,beta,transMatInvest,transMatNoInvest); end % Now graph the probability of investment at each level of capital probInvestment = exp(profitVec-investmentCost+beta*transMatInvest*v)./exp(v); plot(kVec,probInvestment);