IS&T RCS Tutorial - Graphics in R: ggplot2

  • Starts: 10:00 am on Thursday, September 19, 2019
  • Ends: 12:00 pm on Thursday, September 19, 2019

The R package ggplot2 is a reliable and powerful tool for graphics and plotting scientific data. This tutorial will cover the theory behind ggplot2’s approach to visualization. We will cover the general flow of building a plot, mapping aesthetics, adding layers, and manipulating scales, facets, and coordinates. After this tutorial, you will be able to navigate the ggplot2 package with an understanding of how to design visualizations from data frames versus vectors (as in base R graphics) for elegant and professional illustrations of data. Documentation and alternative resources are included to help you continue developing in ggplot2 on your own after the tutorial.

Prerequisite: If you are new to the R environment we strongly recommend that you also register for the “Introduction to R” tutorial.

2 Cummington Mall; Room 107

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