BU Votes

BU Votes is a group of students, staff, and faculty across BU who facilitate voter registration drives with the larger purpose of fostering a culture of civic participation in BU and beyond. If students establish the practice of voting in college, we hope that it will set the pattern of a lifetime of voter participation and other civic involvement in their communities.

Follow BU Votes on Instagram at buvotes. To join BU Votes sign up here.

FAQs About Voting

Voting Resources

TurboVote – Register to vote, check your voter registration status, or update your address.

Ballot Ready – Ballot Ready helps voters learn more about upcoming elections and their current elected officials. You can also view a live ballot so you can make informed choices before you vote.

State Voting Guides – The Campus Vote Project has individual state voting guides.

State Election Resources – Maintained by TurboVote, this site provides the below resources:

  • Your state election website
  • Your voter registration status
  • Your local election official
  • Ability to request a vote by mail ballot

Upcoming Elections

Wondering when the next 2024 election is in your state? Find your state below to check out the upcoming elections and the deadline to vote!