GSDM alumna pens dental-themed children’s book 

What do Mo the Mirror, Sanjay the Scaler, Polly the Polisher, and Ellie the Tooth Explorer have in common? They’re all characters in a children’s book, “Tooth Troopers,” written by Emily Foldes DMD 17 to help familiarize young patients with the instruments used during a routine dental check-up. “I’m a general dentist, but I see […]

GSDM alumna sees potential in saliva tests for COVID-19

When the COVID-19 pandemic began to take shape in February 2020, Débora Heller PhD 16, a researcher based in Brazil who specializes in saliva, knew it was time to get to work. “I called all of my students and said, ‘Look, we need to help out,’” said Heller, an assistant professor at the Universidade Cruzeiro […]

Eleven GSDM alumni inducted into ACD

Eleven alumni of the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine were inducted into the American College of Dentists on October 15, 2020, via a virtual, live-streamed ceremony. The Convocation of Fellows included the affirmation of fellowship, the roll call of new fellows, an awards presentation, and remarks from guest speaker Major General Richard W. […]

Alumna spotlight: Cherae Farmer-Dixon DPH 14

Taking every opportunity to have her voice heard and be a role model for women in the profession. The summer before Cherae Farmer-Dixon DPH 14 started her junior year in college, she sat down with her advisor, and told him she wanted to go to dental school. He seemed “surprised,” she remembered, and told her […]

Alumna Spotlight: Aidee Herman MSc 84 PERIO 86 DMD 90

Helping to create the leaders of tomorrow by building a pipeline from elementary school to the dental practice. Aidee Herman MSc 84 PERIO 86 DMD 90 knows what it is like to feel a little lost. In 1981, when she arrived in Boston from Venezuela to begin the oral biology program at the Henry M. […]

Alumni spotlight: Wallace Bellamy DMD 89

Honoring the history of black dentists in the U.S. while advocating for, mentoring the next generation of dentists of color. Wallace Bellamy DMD 89 remembers the exact day he decided to become a dentist. It was an oven-hot summer day in Sacramento, and he had a dental appointment sandwiched between two-a-day high school football practices. […]

GSDM alumni aid in collection efforts during coronavirus pandemic

First, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommended that all dentists close their offices except for emergency procedures until April 30, 2020 at the earliest. Then the Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) followed suit. That led area dentists to start looking for ways to help out, said  James Lee DMD 14. “It was a grassroots effort,” he […]

GSDM community gathers for Yankee Dental Congress Alumni Reception

The Plaza Ballroom of the Seaport Hotel echoed with laughter and chatter on the evening of January 31, 2020, as members of the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) community gathered for an alumni reception as part of the 2020 Yankee Dental Congress in Boston, Massachusetts. More than 500 students, alumni, residents, faculty, […]