Mohammed Badri ORAL BIO 14 Presents New Understanding of Rare Disorder at 2013 GSI Research Symposium

 Dean Hutter and Mohammed Badri ORAL BIO 14
Dean Hutter and Mohammed Badri ORAL BIO 14

Mohammed Badri ORAL BIO 14 was selected by the Boston University Medical Center (BUMC) Genome Science Institute from a large pool of applicants as one of six oral platform presenters at the 2013 annual research symposium. The Doctor of Science candidate presented part of his doctoral research, “Role of Ellis van-Creveld syndrome 2 in Craniofacial Development” at the symposium, which took place on November 5 in Hiebert Lounge. At the end of the program, Badri received a certificate and a modest financial award.

Badri presented his investigation of craniofacial structure impairments of the rare disorder of bone growth chondro-ectodermal dysplasia, or Ellis-van Creveld (EvC) syndrome. The syndrome can also cause dwarfism, polydactylism, heart defects, and other serious health problems.

Using a mouse model of EvC, Badri’s research team identified which of the craniofacial bones express impaired growth. Badri’s research also supports the identification of the specific gene mutation that causes the craniofacial defects in people with EvC. EvC patients have mutations in either EVC or EVC2 gene, both of which are located on chromosome 4 in a head-to-head configuration. Badri concludes that EVC2 is required for craniofacial bone development and that deficiency in EVC2 leads to specific facial bone growth defect due to an imbalance of cellular proliferation and cell death.

Badri said, “Being selected by the Genome Science Institute at BUMC to be one of the oral presenters at their 2013 annual research symposium and to represent GSDM in this symposium is a great honor and pleasure.”

He continued: “Moreover, receiving the award for the presentation is such a gratifying achievement. Also, I would like to mention that this research was not possible without the support of my advisor Dr. Yoshiyuki Mochida, the team work of our lab members, and the guidance of both Dr. Philip Trackman and Dr. Eva Helmerhorst. Thank you to every person who was involved directly or indirectly in making this project see the light,” said Badri.

Badri received a Bachelor in Dental Medicine & Surgery in 2008 from King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia.