Web Development with .NET

Web Development with .NET

MET CS 651 (4 credits)

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to building state-of-the-art Web sites, Web applications, Web services, and Web-connected devices with Microsoft technologies, with an emphasis on server-side technologies, cross-platform (Windows, OS X, Linux) methodologies, and how they interplay with today's client-side script. Server-side technologies covered include the C# programming language, the ASP.NET system for developing web sites and web apps, REST-based and SOAP-based web services, ADO.NET and LINQ for data access, Model View Controller (MVC) and Model- View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectures and frameworks like Windows Communication Framework (WCF). This class requires some programming experience in either Java, C#, or C++. Programming will be based on Microsoft Visual Studio or Microsoft Code, available through BU's MSDNAA. A copy of the software will be provided to students. Prereq: MET CS 232, or instructor's consent.

Format & Syllabus:


Course & Area Coordinator

Prerequisites:MET CS 232. Or instructor’s consent.
Delivery: Boston-Charles River Campus
Program: MS CS elective, MS CIS elective
Syllabus: CS 651_A1_Fall 2015