Ana Hagerup

  • Title VHB, Department of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture, Sustainability Project Manager
  • Education Master of City Planning ’13

The BU MCP program helped me to refine my career path and establish a systemic approach to enhancing communities by balancing development with environmental stewardship. Many of my professors were locally based with experience across various fields of planning, which exposed me to different perspectives and approaches to problem solving. I recommend refining your research projects and papers at the beginning of the program to fit your planning interests and hone your skills in that planning practice. I personally chose to focus on climate change, green building practices, energy infrastructure, and project management.

Ana is a Sustainability Project Manager with VHB’s Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture Practice. She has assisted local governments, state agencies and airports on planning more sustainable communities by addressing a host of issues including: reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, preparing for the effects of climate change, increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy, developing smart infrastructure, improving storm water management, and watershed protection.