#BUCPUA Urban Planning Association’s Bright Future

UPA First Friday at Tavern In The Square, Allston on Friday, March 3. 2017.
#BUCPUA UPA First Friday at Tavern In The Square, Allston on Friday, March 3, 2017.

The mission of the #BUCPUA Urban Planning Association (UPA) has always been one to create opportunity for its students and faculty, to get to know each other, and to create a network of connections that both parties can benefit from. By creating a more inclusive and friendly environment, it encourages students to reach out to faculty and ask for advice on career paths and their professional future. It truly highlights the passion and enthusiasm felt by students and professors alike, which allows members of the #BUCPUA Community to take this professional and academic talk into a more casual and informal setting. Traditionally the UPA holds several different events throughout the semester – ranging from social gatherings and community service activities, as well as networking events to create a comprehensive and supportive community within the City Planning and Urban Affairs Program. 

UPA Secretary Michael Schulte takes the UPA on a city walking tour.
#BUCPUA UPA Secretary Michael Schulte takes the UPA on a city walking tour.

This year’s administration has done a fantastic job of engaging both faculty and students, as well as continuing to foster the spirit of community building. When talking to the current administration, many of them mentioned joining the UPA to further the resources available to the #BUCPUA Program, and also as a way to get to know their fellow peers. Luis Quintanilla, MCP ’17 – the current outgoing President – mentioned how he “always knew that [he] wanted to get more involved in all the UPA’s activities and the #BUCPUA Program.” Luis emphasizes how he believes the value of the UPA lies in its ability to be a platform for networking: “The UPA is an opportunity for the #BUCPUA Community to get closer and learn about each other, share our interests and experiences, as well as to get more involved in the Program and with other professional associations.”

#BUCPUA UPA participates in the 2016 Earth Day Festival.
#BUCPUA UPA participates in the 2016 Earth Day Festival.

Throughout the year, the UPA carried out several different types of events, raging from the customary First Friday Social – which has always been a popular option – to field trips exploring issues of sustainable and economic development, as well as holding lectures and movie nights dealing with topics such as climate change and urban planning. When asked what is the biggest success of the current administration, Luis highlighted his interaction with people from diverse cultural backgrounds: “From city walking tours to movie nights to First Friday’s, I really enjoyed learning from very interesting, smart people that perhaps otherwise we wouldn’t had the opportunity to meet and have profound discussions with.” 

#BUCPUA UPA Cross-Cultural Learning Series hosted guest speaker Professor Bernd Pfannenstein who gave a lecture on Metropolitan Governance and Land Use Planning: Lessons from Guadalajara, Mexico on Monday, April 3, 2017.
#BUCPUA UPA Cross-Cultural Learning Series hosted guest speaker Professor Bernd Pfannenstein who gave a lecture on Metropolitan Governance and Land Use Planning: Lessons from Guadalajara, Mexico on Monday, April 3, 2017.

When talking to members of the upcoming administration, many cited continuing the legacy that this year’s UPA has managed to establish. Diego Lomelli, MCP ’19 – the incoming Vice President – how the main objectives lie on continuing the growth and reputation of the program. He also believes it is “important to advocate a closer coexistence of students through activities that gather students, alumni, and professors so all individuals can be aware of the latest technologies, policies, and projects” related to Urban Planning. Patricia Cahill, MCP ’18 – incoming President – stressed the importance of transparency and job opportunities: “We have an extensive network, and not just in the Greater Boston area, so connecting current students to job and internship opportunities is definitely an important goal of ours.”


– Cecilia de Almeida, CAS ’19