
CGS grows students into writers and thinkers— people with the crucial ability to communicate and persuade. Students who study rhetoric know how to research a topic, craft a sentence, and build an argument.

What do you get from studying rhetoric?

  • Clear writing, which flows from clear thinking. You’ll learn both in your rhetoric classes.
  • The ability to write an organized, coherent argument with a particular audience in mind
  • Persuasiveness—the skills to use evidence and reasoning to make a case
  • Critical thinking tools for reading, writing and speaking—including oral presentation and digital and multimedia expression skills

Read more about rhetoric outcomes.

What will my rhetoric courses cover?

  • History will integrate with rhetoric as you learn about the origin and development of rhetoric and why it’s relevant today
  • You’ll learn the essay form and refine your skills in grammar, style, and organization
  • You’ll write inside the classroom and outside of the classroom, developing a process that takes you from class discussion to instructor conferences to the outside world

Rhetoric Requirements

Both rhetoric courses are required. RH 104 is taken during the summer semester. CGS rhetoric courses fulfill BU Hub general education credits in six areas.

Read more about rhetoric courses.