Hack That Pitch! Pitching 101 for Hult Prize & BU Competitions

  • Starts: 5:00 pm on Thursday, November 8, 2018
  • Ends: 6:00 pm on Thursday, November 8, 2018
  • Register
Registered for the Hult Prize or another competition? Time to get that story right! You are so excited about your idea, but how to do you get others just as excited so they want to join your team, buy your product, or win that competition? Understand what panelists look for in a winning team and learn how to effectively communicate your idea and passion to customers and investors. Open to: All BU students and alumni; especially great for student participating in the HultPrize@BU! ttendees will be able to: Articulate the problem, the solution and the needs you are meeting. Understand what should to share or not in a competition Talk about the people involved in their teams and their skills. Understand how to adjust pitch for length, audience, and ask Understand the basics needed in the: oral, written, and verbal pitch Workshop Format Overview of workshop goals Overview and lesson on the topic Hands-on activity and exercise Share learnings and activity results Wrap up and questions

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