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ASOR Fellowship Recipients: Where Are They Now?

Caroline Carter

Caroline with the cult statue of Apollo found in the Acropolis in Athens. She received a Platt Fellowship in 2012.


What was your most memorable moment during the excavation season you participated in?

The most memorable moment during the 2012 season at Huqoq, Israel was the discovery of the mosaic floor in the synagogue! We gathered around as a student brushed away dirt to reveal two faces left mostly intact and a Hebrew/Aramaic. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience.


What advice would you give a fellow recipient?

I would advise a fellow recipient to thank the ASOR donors by participating by showing continued gratitude on the dig. Make the fellowship worthwhile- have fun and discover!


Are you still affiliated with ASOR as a member?

Last year I was not a member of ASOR. I decided to attend a new dig at Azoria, Crete in Greece. [Caroline was able to apply for a fellowship because her university has an institutional ASOR membership.]


What is the current status of your career or education (or other project)?

Currently, I am a senior majoring in Classical Archaeology and Ancient Mediterranean religions. I plan to take a year off then apply to graduate programs in Classics or Religious Studies for 2015. I am interested in the Greek and Roman influence in Judea.


How did the scholarship/grant help you with your career?

The Platt Fellowship that I received helped me to be able to attend my second season in Huqoq. Experience is essential for everyone pursuing to continue on in the field of archaeology. Sometimes we need a little help to get there.

Learn more about ASOR Excavation Fellowships


The American Schools of Oriental Research | Contact | Overseas Centers | Facebook March 11, 2014