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Harris Grant Application Information and Guidelines

ASOR expects to award a grant of $5,000 in 2017 to support an ASOR-affiliated field project. The award will be made to the PI of an ASOR-affliated project. The application deadline is December 15, 2016. We hope to announce the successful application by January 15, 2017.

The Harris Endowment provides modest grants to worthy field projects that are CAP-affiliated, particularly to newer and smaller projects, to help them get started; and to discrete components of larger projects that can be completed with an award. The Endowment also provides support for off-season research, analysis, and publications. For 2017, ASOR plans to awards one fellowship of $5,000.

Harris Grant Application Form

Previous Recipients

If you have any questions, please email Britta Abeln.


1. Applications are restricted to directors of ASOR/CAP-affiliated projects or senior staff members of affiliated projects. Applications by staff members other than the director must be accompanied by a letter of endorsement from the project director.

2. Only one application from a single project will be considered in any given year. Awards are usually not made to the same individual or project in successive years. Only direct expenses are permitted, and no indirect or overhead may be charged.

3. Harris Grants are not designed to fund travel for student volunteers (see the Heritage, MacAllister, Membership, Meyers, Meyers/Wright, Platt, Sheeler, and Strange/Midkiff Fellowships for student funding).

4. Funds will be made available from the ASOR office, and recipients may receive a Form 1099 for the funds received. Only direct expenses are permitted, and no indirect or overhead may be charged.

5. Please note that the Harris committee has broadened the selection criteria (for 2017 only) to include excavation projects that are not currently affiliated but plan to seek CAP affiliation. Non-affiliated may apply if they meet either of the following two criteria:

  • The excavation project is in its first season of excavation, that director(s) plan to apply for CAP affiliation in 2017.
  • The excavation project is in the planning stage and/or in the process of applying for a site or survey license. The director(s) agree to use the Harris grant money for the planning phase and agree to apply for CAP affiliation as soon as feasible.



The American Schools of Oriental Research | Contact | Overseas Centers | Facebook November 29, 2016