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The American Schools of Oriental Research
Finance & Executive Committee Meeting
September 14, 2003 - Riverside, CA

PRESENT: P.E. MacAllister, Chairman, Lawrence T. Geraty, President, Ed Gilbert, James F. Strange, Secretary, Douglas Clark, CAMP, Nan Frederick, Larry Herr, COP, Martha Joukowsky, Vice President, Edward Lugenbeal, Treasurer (via telephone), Austin Ritterspach, B.W. Ruffner, Joe Seger, Rudolph Dornemann, Executive Director, Holly Andrews, Staff, Billie Jean Collins, Publications.

ABSENT: Eric M. Meyers, Dick Scheuer

VISITORS: Loren Basch, consultant, Kent Richards, SBL, Jim Erickson, consultant, David Rosenstein, Board member.

1.     Call to Order – P.E. MacAllister

2.     Approval of Minutes of the May 2, 2003 Executive Committee Meeting—James F. Strange. The minutes were approved UNANIMOUSLY.

3.      Offer from SBL—Kent Richards. 

Kent Richards, Exec. Director of the SBL spoke about the font project.  The Hebrew section will be released in the first iteration on Wednesday.  It will be given to individuals free of charge. Publishers can make a contribution. He thanked ASOR for its participation, for this is a long-term project to develop fonts in Hebrew, Greek, and other ancient languages. Larry Geraty thanked PE MacAllister for his support in behalf of ASOR. If in the future there are projects where SBL and ASOR can work together, should ASOR be pursue these? In 2008 SBL and AAR will begin to meet separately: SBL will meet in Boston, and AAR in Chicago in October 2008.

The second topic is that the Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS) will put its assets on sale soon, and SBL is thinking about what it might mean to purchase those assets. The SBL will talk about the idea at its next Board meeting.  Kent’s purpose was to advise ASOR and further, to see if we had objections to it and to wonder if we had any interest in participating.

4.       Feasibility Study Progress Report—David Rosenstein and Loren Basch.

Basch has spoken to 35 people and has 60 more responses. There is much interest, and some may see this as an opportunity to speak to ASOR. The Report will contain enough of the responses to summarize the opinions. A major comment has been that we have had strategic studies before, but there has been no follow-up.  The big issues include what needs to happen in the Near East in terms of archaeology; most responded that money is the issue.  If this is the case, we need to determine how much funding and for what purpose.  There are other issues such as the use of young scholars and CAP's processes. Another is improving relationships with Institutes abroad. Our mission is concerned with excavation, research, and publications, i.e. a commitment to scholarship. There is a question of helping us raise money for CAP. There is support for tours involving sending out a group of distinguished scholars with students and supporters for travel. ASOR must move forward to the next level and we need to have enough money and a strong administration to do what is necessary.  We need to support Middle Eastern scholars to travel to the annual meeting. The “old guard” would like to see money go directly to the institutes abroad.  All of these are good fund-raising issues.  Very few people speak with any understanding for fund-raising beyond scholarship. Higher Education is raising billions of dollars now, and archaeology should be a part of this. We should find someone who is comfortable with monied citizens to help raise higher education funds. We need to find a middle ground between science and biblical scholars.

Basch will probably present this to the Board by the 3rd week of October. Rosenstein adds that this has been very exciting and he believes that it will lead into many good directions.  Larry Geraty has a concern that there are not more lay contacts. We need to work hard to develop these. Martha suggests that the membership may wish to be brought in on via the web. David pointed out that we sent out 600 surveys to all those who attended the Annual Meeting but did not utilize the web. There was very strong support for this process from staff.

5.      Report from the Chairman—P.E. MacAllister: no report

6.      Report from the President—Lawrence T. Geraty

Larry Geraty welcomes us to Riverside. Loren conducted a feasibility study over the summer.  Larry Geraty congratulated PE MacAllister on his marriage August 31.  General approbation was expressed by those present.

There are a number of key issues:
a). strategic planning, in which the feasibility study was discussed.
b).  The search committee for the Executive Director.
c). Letter of resignation from Ed Lugenbeal, whose college is struggling for survival. He does plan to retire in a year in Boston, and will be glad to work with ASOR then. This particular coming year he cannot. The resignation will be effective immediately. He will report by telephone this morning.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Committee, speaking for ASOR, accepts Dr. Ed Lugenbeal's resignation.  Moved by Jim Strange, Seconded by Ed Gilbert.  PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

d). In the area of development Larry Geraty asked Jim Erickson to comment on the role of the Trustees.
e). There is a proposed change in the by-laws to be presented by Austin to allow us to appoint new Trustees.  Larry Geraty has been working on lay people of means who might be interested in ASOR and named more than a dozen who are good candidates.
f).  Distributed a letter from Hershel Shanks, referred to CAP, suggesting a revision to our Policy on Preservation and Protection of Archaeological Resources. No action was taken pending CAP suggestions.

7.     Trustees and Development—Jim Erickson:  Jim strongly advocates lay trustees who actively help the organization: “External Board Members” are very helpful.  We also need an Advisory Committee or the like that helps bring in support. The Board of Regents for the California university system has little to do with the individual campuses.  Yet each campus has a Foundation Board of Trustees larger than 100 or even 200 who give to that campus.  Through the years the majority of the major funds comes through such Board affiliations. When one appoints such Boards, they must also be substantive and advisory.  He recommends strongly that we increase the Board in terms of its corporate or external realm and reminds us that Board member selection is the job of every single Board member.

Austin Ritterspach points out that this is not in his distributed report.  At the last meeting in Cambridge we tabled a motion to increase the lay trustees to 18.

BE IT RESOLVED that the bylaws be amended Article III, Section 2 to read as follows:  "...eighteen (18) term trustees elected by the Board of Trustees" in place of: "...nine (9) term trustees elected by the Board of Trustees." Austin Ritterspach asked that the motion be moved off the table from last meeting. It was pointed out that this number might limit us in the future, if we have more than 18 candidates whom we believe to be stellar. There is certain symmetry with the number 9 or 18 in comparison to the 9 academics presupposed by the bylaws. Strange pointed out that the words "up to" are not present. Joe pointed out they are not necessary. Austin says this is a political statement to the Board that Jim Erikson's recommendation is appropriate. Rudy asked if we want to do a ballot to the full Board or wait until November.  PE MacAllister suggested that we circulate the exact wording of the suggested change to Board members two weeks in advance of the November meeting. Original motion PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The suggested bylaws change will be sent from the Boston office .

Austin points out the previously distributed report contains the language about the increase of the Board. There has been a reorganization of the Executive Committee and a presentation from Jim Erickson on initiatives, so Austin suggests that we need to continue with our development initiatives.  We need to continue contacting donors and instituting cultivation events and lectures/debates as in LA. Perhaps we need more one-on-one contacts. It was pointed out that anyone could do development, especially Board members, not just members of the Development Committee. It was commented that some of the people Larry Geraty named have tremendous capacity to support ASOR.
At least one thought that a Higher Education development director should be a full-time component of our development arm.

8.     Report on Archaeological Policy—David McCreery. Distributed prior to meeting.

9.     Report on Annual Meeting and Program—Douglas Clark. Doug passed out a sheet “ASOR and SBL Annual Meetings” which gave details on issues and options on possibly meeting with SBL. He asks for input to the committee on these proposals. He distributed several pages on a Public Relations Proposal (1 page), Strategic Communications Concepts for ASOR (4 pages), and PR Kits for Local Contact/Point Persons (1 page).

10.     Report on the Publications—Larry Herr and B.J. Collins.  BJ reports that we are well on our way to having four or more issues of NEA out by the end of the year.  We will be getting $223,000 in billing out next week. We have made the transition to the new iMIS software. Members will receive a letter of explanation and a questionnaire.

11.     Report from the Personnel Committee—Nan Frederick.  Nan reports that Larry Herr asked that the Manual exclude the Board from the responsibility for the various journals. She sent the recommendation to the Personnel Committee, but the responses so far are that the Board continues to approve editors. She thinks there is a different system that may be used, though she did not say what it was. It was suggested that we use a conference call or email system to approve editors. Larry Herr explained that this was not yet a formal request, but is on the COP agenda in November.

12.     Report from the Executive Director—Rudolph Dornemann. We are now institutional members of the newly formed American Association for Research in Baghdad (AARB). He distributed a six-page memo from M. Gibson to the AARB regarding this association and the situation in Iraq.

We are working to get a copy of the Leon Levy will to see the exact language of his gift. That money was obligated as part of a challenge grant with NEH, so it would be difficult for Shelby White to change this commitment. We had another unexpected bequest from Myron Johnson, Jr. which went to the University of Pennsylvania in 1997, without our knowledge.  About a month ago the University of Pennsylvania contacted Boston University and asked about it, so BU has been in contact with ASOR. We hope to have the information this coming week.  Until recently the Elizabeth Platt estate proceeds were not coming to ASOR but to VanVliet, but now it comes to ASOR. We need to constitute a small group to review where we are at in terms of our investments. How shall we proceed to use these funds? There are some indications that these were to be used for scholarship funds, but that is not spelled out in the will. They could be combined with Memorial Funds. Charles Harris funds similarly have been pulled out of bonds, but not re-invested. Al Clemens of Smith Barney can make recommendations on these funds but we need a committee to work with him on this. We have solicited six bids and talked to the old auditors about continuing, but they would prefer we switch. Ed Lugenbeal recommends that we choose the firm of Parent, McLaughlin and Nangle.

BE IT RESOLVED that ASOR accept the bid of Parent, McLaughlin and Nangle for our 2004-2006 fiscal year audits, subject to reference checks. MOVED by Ed Lugenbeal. Seconded. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

13.     Report from the Treasurer—E. Lugenbeal (by phone).

a. The Profit and Loss Statement. We have a loss for the year of $100,158.03. The large losses for 2002 and 2003 are to a large extent artifacts of accrual accounting.  This represents monies pledged in one year but spent in another.  In three years of Torch Campaign we had a net gain of better than $300,000 in pledged and actual dollars. The balance sheet shows substantial deferred income of at least $80,000. We fell short about $90k from achieving our budget goals.

b. Rudy seeks Executive Committee advice on the release of $30,000 from Temporarily Restricted Funds out of account #4 (Publications Reserve fund) to Publications to pay outstanding bills.

BE IT RESOLVED that $30,000 be released from Temporarily Restricted Funds (account #4, Publications Reserve fund) to Publications to pay outstanding bills.  MOVED by Treasurer, seconded.  PASSED with one abstention.

c.  Report from Ingrid Wood on ASOR's investments. Recommends that ASOR establish a task force to develop an investment policy. Rudy handed out a report from Ingrid Wood: “Summary of Investment Performance as of September 12, 2003” and a copy of the Smith Barney “Select Consolidation Summary” of the ASOR Accounts.

14.     Old Business—None

15.       New Business—Recommendation from the Search Committee for Executive Director: The recommended candidate was Ingrid Wood. Tammi Schneider did not attend the Search Committee meeting because of illness. She did not vote. The vote was 4 in favor and 2 against, but perhaps 5 in favor if Tammi had voted. Larry Geraty handed out a series of pages:  a). Resumé of Ingrid E. Wood.  b). “ASOR Recommendation (Revised),” which was written by Ingrid Wood. c). Emails and letters to Larry Geraty summarizing positions against the candidate. It was suggested that there is a lack of trust reflected in the letters with regard to the candidate that precludes a trusting, working relationship between the candidate and some constituencies. Larry Geraty pointed out that the announcement of Ingrid’s selection in the Newsletter did not reflect a fait accomplit, as some had suggested, but that the nomination had to be approved by the Executive Committee. P.E. MacAllister announced that Ingrid Wood has withdrawn her candidacy, and said that he was disappointed.  It was said that the candidate was besmeared in character, not in credentials. Larry Herr explained that the candidate's dealings with the Committee on Publications were negative, but no one on the staff in Publications wrote letters about the candidate. Douglas Clark declared that he would write up some suggestions about procedures where he thinks we can learn from this experience. Larry Geraty asked the Executive Committee to email him in the next few days with recommendations on how to proceed.

16.     At 11:45am Jim Strange moved to Adjourn. PASSED UNANIMOUSLY