Land from the Tiller: China and the Global Land Grab

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Pardee Invited Lecture and Seminar:

Land from the Tiller: China and the Global Land Grab

Friday, October 27, 2017
2:30pm – 4:00pm

The lecture will take place at:
67 Bay State Road
Refreshments will be served

China plays an important role in land and resource grabs, what some call ‘the last great enclosure.’ Despite competition among the most powerful international actors, there is global cooperation, intentional and otherwise, in dispossessing the most vulnerable of control over their resources, lands, environments, and livelihood bases. China’s land appropriations are complex, outside typical conceptualizations, and not formally integrated into many analyses. they are both domestic and international, state-run and in partnership with domestic and international capital, direct and indirect, and built upon orthodox doctrines of development and modernization.