Vol. 10

Arion 10.1 Spring/Summer 2002

Nicholas Kilmer: Ariadne’s Dancing Groundcover 10.1
Raymond Geuss: Happiness and Politics
Vasily Rudich: Pushkin and Virgil
Peter Green translates C. P. Cavafy: The Satrapy
Garry Wills: Augustine’s Pears and the Nature of Sin
Marianne McDonald: Anouilh’s Oedipus: Outer Light and Inner Darkness
GlennĀ W. Most: Heidegger’s Greeks
Edith Hall: Tony Harrison’s Prometheus: A View from the Left
Charles Martindale reviews: Texts, Ideas, and the Classics edited by S. J. Harrison and Latin Literature by Susanna Morton Braund
Steven J. Willett reviews: Carnage and Culture by Victor Davis Hanson

Arion 10.2 Fall 2002

Rainer Friedrich: “Flaubertian Homer”: The Phrase Juste In Homeric Dictioncover 10.2
Mary Maxwell: H.D.: Pound’s Sulpicia
Paul Barolsky
: Michelangelo: A Version of the Pastoral
Richard Wollman: Likeness
James I. Porter: Homer: The Very Idea
Thomas G. Rosenmeyer: ‘Metatheater’: An Essay on Overload
P. J. Johnson reviews: Horace’s Carmen Saeculare: Ritual Magic and the Poet’s Art by Michael Putnam
Paul Oppenheimer reviews: The Sin of Knowledge by Theodore Ziolkowski
Victor Davis Hanson: A Reply to Steven Willett’s review of Carnage and Culture

Arion 10.3 Winter 2003

Andrew Laird: Death, Politics, Vision, and Fiction in Plato’s Cave (After Saramago)
David Ferry translates Virgil: From the First Georgiccover 10.3
Marcel Detienne: Being Born Impure in the City of Cadmus and Oedipus
Valerie Wohlfeld: Returning the Cestus of Venus
Paul Barolsky: Ovid’s Colors
Camille Paglia: Cults and Cosmic Consciousness: Religious Vision in the American 1960s
A reply to Paglia’s essay from the Church of Scientology, Boston
Howard Stein: Response to Medea and Antigone
Marianne McDonald: Fatal Commission
Karl Galinsky reviews: Virgil and the Augustan Reception by Richard F. Thomas
Stephen Halliwell
reviews: The Origins of Criticism: Literary Culture and Poetic Theory in Classical Greece by Andrew Ford