Blood-Alcohol Biomarkers Not a Substitute for Self-Report Among Young People with Injection Drug Use

Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) is an aberrant phospholipid found in cell membranes synthesized only in the presence of ethanol, and can be used as a biomarker of alcohol use. Researchers examined the correlation between self-reported alcohol use over the past month and PEth among <30 year-old people with injection drug use. Alcohol use was assessed with the AUDIT-C, and individuals were categorized as having probable DSM-IV dependence (score of 10–12), “hazardous” drinking (3–9 for women, 4–9 for men), or “low-risk” drinking (0–2 for women, 0–3 for men). Additional self-reported measures were: presence of any drinking, drinking until becoming unconscious, and heavy episodic drinking (defined as ≥6 drinks on an occasion).

  • There was a strong correlation between PEth and self-reported alcohol use categories. PEth was elevated (≥8 ng/ml) in 89% of individuals categorized as having probable dependence, 61% of those with “hazardous” drinking, and 19% of those with “low-risk” drinking. PEth was not elevated in 12% of those with dependence, 39% of those with “hazardous” drinking, and 82% of those with “low-risk” drinking.
  • For any alcohol consumption over the past month, PEth was elevated in 66% of people who reported consumption and not elevated in 94% of those who reported no consumption.
  • PEth was elevated in 83% of those reporting drinking until becoming unconscious and 72% of those reporting heavy episodic drinking.


As with other biomarkers, PEth’s use is likely limited. Even when crude self-reported estimations of drinking are used, PEth misses almost 40% of cases of self-reported hazardous drinking, and 17% of those reporting drinking until becoming unconscious. It is possible PEth would have performed better had the investigators used a higher cutoff but then detection (sensitivity) would have been even worse. Self-report appears to remain the most appropriate option to assess alcohol use in clinical populations.

Nicolas Bertholet, MD, MSc


Jain J, Evans JL, Briceño A, et al. Comparison of phosphatidylethanol results to self-reported alcohol consumption among young injection drug users. Alcohol Alcohol. 2014;49(5):520–524.

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