On the Centenary of Carolina Maria de Jesus’s Birth: Testimony, Memories and Artistic Expressiveness in her Manuscripts

CarolinaPosterOn the Centenary of Carolina Maria de Jesus’s Birth: Testimony, Memories and Artistic Expressiveness in her Manuscripts –A talk by Dr. Elena Pajaro Peres, BU Visiting Scholar on Tue., Apr. 8, at 5:15 pm at 138 Mountfort Street Brookline, MA

A Postdoctoral Fellow in the Institute of Brazilian Studies at University of São Paulo, Brazil, Scholarship FAPESP (The State of São Paulo Research Foundation, Brazil), Dr. Elena Peres is now conducting research on the manuscripts of Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), an African-Brazilian writer that became famous with her book “Quarto de Despejo. Diário de uma Favelada” (1960). Translated as “Child of the Dark. The Diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus” (1961). Carolina, that was a self-taught with just two years of formal education, lived as a migrant in a slum area (favela do Canindé) in Sao Paulo, collecting trash and recyclable materials to survive and writing poems, diaries, proverbs, novels and lyrics. The main objective of the research internship in the African American Studies Program at Boston University is to seek elements for analyzing critically the work and life of Carolina Maria de Jesus on the horizon of transnational cultural context of African diasporas in the Americas.