Practicing Justice

STH TC 899

This course explores the nature of social justice and its place within the mission of the church by: a) surveying the varied conceptions, contexts, and practical contours of justice in contemporary societies; and b) investigating key theological and religio-critical perspectives on the historical, biblical, and theological foundations of social justice as a constitutive attribute of Christian community and Christian ministry. Upon this examination, the church's pursuit of social justice emerges as a multifaceted practice that disturbs traditional distinctions between the prophetic and priestly dimensions of the church's identity. Through careful attention to the required texts, as well as the conduct of student research and constructive reflection, course participants are encouraged to rediscover the practice of seeking justice as an art of ministry -- as a dance through which prophetic and priestly activities engage one another as partners. (MDiv Practicing Faith Section) (Clusters 2 and 3)

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the Student Link for the most up-to-date course information.