To assist us in determining class enrollments, please indicate which courses you intend to take during your term in Dublin. If you change your mind about a course after submitting your course selection form, please notify us in writing of your course change, by sending an email to You should in all cases clear your course selections with your academic advisor prior to arrival in Dublin. Students are required to take a full course load during their term in Dublin.


In the first half of the program, students take two 6-week long, four-credit core courses.

Upon successful completion of the two 6-week core courses, students will commence their internship placements Monday-Thursday (typically 9AM-5PM) and will take their remaining elective course on Fridays.

Students also choose one Elective B course that will run throughout the entire 13-week duration of the program and meet once per week. There are a selection of 13-week electives to choose from.


Students choose one elective course. You can review the course descriptions for these course options here.

Students will take the elective course intensively for the second week of the program, and will then commence internships Monday-Thursday (typically 9AM-5PM) and continue the elective course on Fridays.